
发布 2020-09-23 16:44:28 阅读 3580


60分钟 100分) 开始计时。

第一部分听力 (30分)


) 1. a. 电灯 b. 窗户 c. 八。

) 2. a. 四 b. 花 c. 地板。

) 3. a. 强壮的 b. 瘦的 c. 友好的。

) 4. a. 书房 b. 厨房 c. 卧室。

) 5. a. ** b. 冰箱 c. 长沙发。


) 1. my friend likes

ab. ) 2. listen to

ab. ) 3. my friend has

a. b.

) 4. clean the

ab. ) 5. this is our

ab. 三、听录音,连线。(10分)

1. mikea.

2. sarahb.

3. zhang pengc.

4. amyd.

5. johne.


) 1. a. put up the picture.

b. turn on the light.

) 2. a. let's clean the classroom.

b. let's sweep the floor.

) 3. a. put your notebook under your eraser.

b. put your eraser near your notebook.

) 4. a. tom is quiet.

b. tom has short hair.

) 5. a. he is thin and strong.

b. he is tall and strong.






1. heis/are) strong.

2. tomh**e/has) short black hair.

3he/his) name is edward.

4. there are fourbook/books) in my schoolbag.

5. i h**e somekey/keys).


) 1i h**e a book?

a. am b. is c. may

) 2the pen?

it's in your schoolbag.

a. what's b. where's c. who's

) 3. —what colour is your new schoolbag?

it'sa. black b. short c. quiet

) 4. —what's __name?

his name is jack.

a. he b. his c. her

) 5. we h**e four new __in our classroom.

a. lights b. computer c. tv


) 1. put your book on your head.

) 2. let me sweep(扫) the floor.

) 3. she has short hair and big eyes.

) 4. —what colour is the panda?

it's black and white.

) 5. there are two english books.


) 1. where's my book? a. his name is tom.

) 2. who's your best friend? b. miss white.

) 3. let's clean the classroom. c. many books and pencils.

) 4. what's in your schoolbag? d. it's on the desk.

) 5. what's his name? e. ok.


) her name is linda. she has glasses.

) a girl.

1 ) we h**e a new friend.

) what's her name?

) really? a boy or girl?


i am lily. i h**e two new friends. they're tom and linda.

tom is a strong boy. he is quiet. he has black glasses.

he has three storybooks. he likes chinese very much. linda is a friendly girl.

she has a red schoolbag. she has some candies in it.


1. lily's friends' names are___and2分)


2. tom has

3. linda has



) 4. tom is strong and quiet.

) 5. linda likes chinese very much.


听力材料:一、1. light 2. floor 3. strong 4. bedroom 5. fridge

二、1. my friend likes maths.

2. listen to music.

3. my friend has short hair.

4. clean the blackboard.

5. this is our school.

三、1. m:let's clean the blackboard, mike.

2. w:my name is sarah. i h**e a new schoolbag.

3. m:i'm zhang peng. look! i h**e a maths book.

4. amy, this is your chinese book.

5. john and chen jie are good friends.

四、1. turn on the light.

2. let's sweep the floor.


四年级英语上册期中质量检测。温馨提示 同学们,今天我们将共同完成本次期中考试的试题,相信大家一定能够认真看 努力做 开动脑筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!一 在四线格内写出五个元音字母的大小写。10分 二 看图写单词。10分 三 选出不同类的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号里。10分 1 a win...


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unit 2 my schoolbag 第四课时教学设计。镇头小学江丽华。一 教学目标。1 能够听 说 认读本课时主要生词twenty one fifty。2 能够听懂歌谣,并按照节奏念出该歌谣 how many english books do you h e thirty thirty thir...