冀教版小学四年级英语上 第一单元 测试

发布 2024-03-07 14:10:09 阅读 1664


试卷总分100分考试时间 60分钟。

一、 选出下面各组单词中不是同一类的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)

( )1. a. coat b. cat c. gloves

)2. a. he b. she c. your

)3. a. bed b. dress c. skirt

)4. a. monday b. sunday c. week

)5. a. wear b. old c. new


1 a green sweater (翻译2 on sunday (翻译。

3 a birthday gift (翻译4 kim’s cap (翻译。

5 new(反义词6this(复数。


)1 .she___wearing a red dress .

a. is b. are c. am

)2.--day is today?

--it’s monday.

a. how b. how many c. what

)3. is this __hat?

a you b. your c. she

)4. these __new shorts.

a. is b. are c. am

)5.is this her dress?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn’t. c. no, it is.

) is it? it’s yellow.

a. colour b week c red

)7. —i like your shirt

a. no. b. thanks c. not good.

)8. this is __old cap .

a. a b. an c. /

) it new __old?

a. and b. or c. an

)10. are these __socks?

a. he b. his c. him



sunday monday wednesday friday thursday tuesday saturday



a. what day is today?

b. what is it?


does he wear?

b. what is he wearing?


b. thanks.

)4. 一周有几天?

a. how many days are there in a week ?

b. how many day are there in a week ?


a. is it new or old?

b. it is new or old.

) 6. 今天星期五。

a. today is wednesday.

b. today is friday.


)1. what is ita he is wearing a sweater.

)2. what is he wearingb yes , she is .

)3. is this a red skirtc yes , it is.

)4. is she wearing a t-shirt? d no. black is my f**ourite colour.

)5. is yellow your f**ourite colour? e it’s a skirt.

七、补全对话。 (12分)

jenny: hello, li ming.

li ming: hi, jenny. what day is today?

jennywhat are you wearing?

li ming

jenny: i like your trousers.

li ming

jenny: are they new?

li ming

a. i’m wearing red trousers.

b. thanks.

c. it’s monday.

d. no, they’re old.

八、阅读理解。(10 分)

my name is jenny. i am wearing a pink and white shirt. it’s an old shirt.

my f**ourite colour is red. i like to draw pictures. it is sunday.

i do my homework in the morning and fly kites with my friends.

)1. what is jenny wearing?

a.jenny is wearing a pink and white shirt.

b. it’s an old shirt.

c. jenny is wearing a red and white shirt.

) colour is the shirt?

a. pink and white b. red and white c. pink and red

) is jenny’s f**ourite colour?

a. red b. pink c. white

)4. jenny likes to

a. draw pictures b. do her homework c. fly kites

)5. what day is it?

a. it’s tuesday sunday.


四年级第一单元朗读句型上。单词 shirt衬衣 skirt短裙 trousers裤子 sweater毛衣 t shirt短袖 coat 外套 scarf 围巾 gloves 手套 cap 帽子 dress 连衣裙 shoes 鞋 socks 袜子 shorts 短裤 old 旧 老 new 新 bi...


班级姓名 第一单元生字。桂林欣赏船桨扩散峰峦雄伟跋涉骆驼。竹笋栽倒光怪陆离幽径波澜壮阔水光潋滟。连绵起伏奇峰罗列形态万千重峦叠彩绮丽清秀。危峰兀立怪石嶙峋色彩绚烂千奇百怪雕镂精巧。玲珑剔透连绵不断变幻无穷法庭水潭铜镜打磨。青螺增加仿佛瞧看颜色驰名中外香蕉 元帅葡萄雕刻繁荣晶莹透明圆润可爱。波涛飞逝旋...


路南区文北小学王恒玉。一 本单元在整套教材体系中的性质。从前面三册的教学我们可以看出本套教材的编写非常注意小学生认知英语的规律,把语言放在滚动循环中逐步的递进,little by little 像滚雪球一样,学生学起来不觉得难,在不停的滚动中,他们又能够积累语言知识,这套教材的主要特点是滚动复现旧话...