四年级上英语期末复习 一 1

发布 2024-03-07 11:40:11 阅读 6226


出卷人: 尹囡囡审卷人: 金梅



一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。 (10分)

) 1. a. writeb. wantc. winter

) 2. a. tomatob. carrotc. cabbage

) 3. a. inb. onc. under

) 4. a. dressb. drinkc. draw

) 5. a. shirtb. t-shirtc. skirt

二、 听音,选出你所听到的句子,把序号填在题前括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. can you jumpb. can you draw?

) 2. a. how old are youb. how are you?

) 3. a. do you h**e any cousins? b. do you h**e any brothers?

) 4. a. what does your mother do? b. what does your father do?

) 5. a. it’s rainy todayb. it’s windy today.

三、 听音,判断对错,正确的写“t” ,错误的写“f”。(5分)

) 1. there is a big computer room in our school.

) 2. i’d like some rice.

) 3. supergirl can fly.

) 4. i h**e a big family.

) 5. she has a red and white dress.

四、 听音,选出相应的答语,把序号填在题前括号里(5分)

) 1. a. they are redb. they are ten yuan. c. they are nice.

) 2. a. yes, i canb. yes, he can. c. yes, she can

) 3. a. he’s 11 years old. b. he’s a driver. c. his name’s dan.

) 4. a. she’s a doctorb. he’s a doctor. c. they’re doctors.

) 5. a. yes, i amb. yes, i doc. yes, i can.


一、选出不同类的单词, 把序号填在题前括号。(10分)

) 1. a. milkb. juicec. chicken

) 2. a. waterb. ricec. juice

) 3. a. lunchb. music room c. computer room

) 4. a. sisterb. fatherc. jump

) 5. a. hisb. herc. cake

) 6. a. danceb. flyc. classroom

) 7. a. hungryb. thirstyc. but

) 8. a. brownb. yellowc. color

) 9. a. teacherb. jobc. fireman

) 10. a. shortb. tallc. kid


1. my h__ me is on brown street.

2. how is the weath __r?

3. jill is our new cl__ ssmate.

4. peter can run fa__ t.

5. i am th __rsty, i want some water.

6. i eat a lot, i am f__ ll.

7. do you h**e __ny brothers or sisters?

8. my mother’s brother is my __ncle.

9. she is my co __sin.

10. joe’s father is a doct __r.


) 1. there __many books in the library.

a. areb. isc. h**e

) 2is the cat? -it’s under the chair.

a. whereb. whatc. when

) 3. -what would you like? -i’d like some __

applesc. banana

) 4.--how __is this? -it’s 5 yuan.

a. many b. muchc. more

) 5. how many __are there on the christmas tree.

a. starb. starsc. a star

) 6. nice___meet you

a. tob. tooc. for

) 7. -can you jump very high? -no, i __

a. don’tb. am notc. can’t

) 8. look at my bike. it’s broken(坏了) .i’m __

a. fullb. happy c. sad

) 9. alice has __orange dress.

a. ab. anc. /

) 10. what __your father do?

a. isb. doc. does


) 1. it’s sun today

a b c ) is ten boys in the classroom

a bc ) 3. he’s 11 year old

a b c ) 4. i h**e two uncle

a b c ) 5. this is peter mother

a b c五、给下列句子配对,把序号填在题前括号里。(5分)

) 1. how’s the weathera. her name’s jill.

) 2. where is the pencil-caseb. no, i can’t.

) 3. how are youc. i am fine.

) 4. can you flyd. it’s on the desk.

) 5. what’s her namee. it’s sunny.


1. don’t play (and/ with) fire.

2. welcome (to/ in) my home.

3. tom has a pair (of/ to) shorts.

4. look (of/ at) the lion.

5. i h**e (a/an) orange hat.


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2019 上 四年级英语期末复习教案

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