
发布 2020-03-17 22:40:28 阅读 9438


一单元:教室(classroom)内物品:window、blackboard、light、picture、door、teacher’s desk、computer、fan、wall、floor 其他:


二单元:书包(schoolbag)内的书籍:maths book 、english book、chinese book、storybook 、notebook

其他:toy(玩具)、key(钥匙)、wow(哇呀)、lost(丢失)、so much(非常地)、cute(可爱的)

三单元:描述外貌、性格:he is tall\short and thin\fat、strong.

描述头发、穿戴:he has balck glasses\shoes.


四单元:各类房间:classroom、bedroom、living room、study、kitchen、bathroom

家用电器:bed、phone、table、sofa、fridge、tv其他:find(找到)、them(他们 )


餐具类单词:chopsticks、bowl、fork、knife、spoon其他:dinner(中午或者晚上吃的正餐)、ready(准备好)、help yourself(为自己取用)pass(给、递)、try(尝试、试)

六单元:亲属关系类单词:parents、uncle、aunt、cousin、baby brother

职业类单词:doctor、cook、driver、farmer、nurse、a football player、a basketball player 其他:people(人们)、but(但是)、little(小的)、puppy(小狗) job(工作)

2、let’s do

1)open打开 the door、turn on the light、close关闭 the window、put up张贴 the picture、clean打扫干净 the blackboard

2)put your chinese book in在 ..里面 your desk, put your pencil box on 在。上面 your english book, put your maths book under在。

下面 your schoolbag、put your eraser near 在。旁边your pencil box.

3)go to the living tv看电视。 go to the a book读书。 go to the a snack吃零食。

go to the a nap小睡 go to the a shower淋雨洗澡。

4)pass me the bowl(碗). pass me the knife(刀子). cut the vegetables.

use the spoon. use the fork(叉子). now let’s try it.


unit1we h**e a new classroom我们有一间新教室。

let’s go and see让我们一起去看看。

where is it它在**?

it’s near the window就在窗户旁边。

let’s clean the classroom让我们一起打扫教室吧!

let me clean the window让我擦窗户吧。

unit2what’s in your bag你书包里有什么?

an english book,a math book,three storybooks and….


what colour is it它是什么颜色的?

it is blue and white它是蓝白色的。

unit3what’s his name他的名字是什么?

his name is zhang peng他的名字是张鹏。

he is tall and strong他又高又壮。

who’s he他是谁?

he has glasses and his shoes are blue他戴眼镜和他穿蓝鞋子。

unit4is she in the living room她在客厅里吗?

no,she isn’t不,她不在。

where are the keys钥匙在哪儿?

are they on the table它们在桌子上吗?

no,they aren’t. they are in the door不,不在。它们在门上。

unit5what’s for dinner晚餐吃什么?

what would you like你想吃什么?

i’d like some soup and bread.,please我想要汤和面包。

i’d like=i would like]

help yourself随便吃吧。

would you like a knife and fork你想要刀叉吗?


i can use the chopsticks我会用筷子。

unit6how many people are there in your family,chan jie?



my family has six people我家有六口人。

is this your uncle这是你叔叔吗?

yes,it is a football player是的,他是位足球运动员。

what’s your aunt’s job你婶婶做什么工作?

she’s a nurse她是名**。


1、a:what’s in the classroom?*

b:one blackboard,one tv,many desks and chairs.

2、a:where is it?*

b:it’s near the window.

3、a:where is he / she?*

b:he’s/she’s in the kitchen.

4、a:let's clean the classroom.

b:ok!5、a:let me help you.

b:thank you.

6、a:what colour is your schoolbag? /is it?*

b:it’s green.

7、a:what’s in your schoolbag?*

b:an english book,a chinese book and a pencil box.

8、a:here it is!

b:thank you so much!

9、a:what’s her name?*

b:her name is amy.

10、a:what’s his name?*

b:his name is zhang peng.

11、a:who is he?*

b:he is zhang peng / his name is zhang peng.

12、a:is he wu yifan?


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