
发布 2024-03-07 08:45:13 阅读 5727

unit 1

重点单词/词组:classroom (教室) gym(体育馆) library (图书馆) office (办公室) stairs (楼梯) turn left(向左转) turn right (向右转) go sraight(直走) go up the stairs (上楼梯) bicycle(自行车) bell (铃铛)chain (车链子) wheel (车轮) tire (轮胎) seat (车座) near (近的)far(远的) car (小汽车) truck(卡车) bus (公交车) cab (出租车) city (城市) office building (办公楼) apartmeng building (公寓楼) hotel (旅馆) park (公园) street (街道) traffic lights(交通灯) 数字:thirty (30) thirty-one (31) thirty-two (32) thirty-three (33) thirty-four(34) thirty-five (35) thirty-six(36) thirty-seven(37) thirty-eight (38) thirty-nine (39) forty(40) fifty (50)sixty (60)seventy (70)eighty(80) ninety (90) one hundred (100) 一对反义词(near --far ) 注:

far 用在句子中时要用词组 far from (离远)


2、where are you going? (你要去哪?) to the office/stairs. (去办公室/上楼)

3、red is stop. (红灯停) green is go. (绿灯行) yellow is wait. (黄灯等待)

4、 i am lost. (我迷路了) can you help me?(你能帮我吗?) please speak slowly.(请说慢点)

5、thank you. (谢谢) you are welcome. (不客气) 注:第七课课文读熟。

unit 2

重点单词/ 词组:silk shop (丝绸店) clothes shop(服装店) bicycle shop(自行车店) tire shop (轮胎店) tea shop(茶店) bicycle department (自行车专柜) book department (图书专柜) clothes department(服装专柜) toy department (玩具专柜) department store (百货商店) restaurant (饭店) market (市场) movie theatre (电影院) cashier (收银员) clerk (小职员) waitress (女服务员) waiter (男服务员) businessman (男商人) businesswoman (女商人) mall ()grocery store(百货商店) 12个月:december (十二月) january (一月) february (二月)(冬天)march april may (春天)june(六月) july(七月) august (八月)(夏天)september (九月)october (十月)november (十一月)(秋天)drive a car(开车)ride a bicycle (骑自行车) stay home (待在家里) 注:


重点句型:1、how is the weather? (天气怎么样?)

the weather/it is cold and snowy/warm and rainy/ hot and sunny/windy and cloudy.

2、a waiter works in a restaurant. (服务员在饭店工作)

a clerk works in a store.(职员在商店工作)

a cashier works in a store.(收银员在商店工作)

a businessman works in an office (商人在办公室工作)


unit 3

重点单词/ 词组:chicken (鸡) cow (奶牛) duck(鸭子) pig (猪) farm (农场) field (田地) mud (泥土) pond (池塘) cat (猫) dog (狗)goat (山羊) sheep (绵羊)bird (鸟) beak(鸟嘴) wing (翅膀) feathers(羽毛) same (相同的)different (不同的) rabbit (兔子) donkey (驴) mouse (老鼠) horse (马) fur(软毛) paws (爪子) tail (尾巴) walk forward (向前走) walk backward(向后走) turn around**圈) on the farm (在农场上)注:一对反义词 same(相同的different(不同的)

重点句型:1、a cat has fur,paws and a tail.(猫有软毛,爪子)

2、can you play cards? (你会打牌吗?) yes, i can./no, i can't.(是的,我会。/不,我不会。)

3、birds fly. (鸟儿飞) fish swim. (鱼儿游) rabbits hop.(兔子跳)

unit 4

重点单词/ 词组:lion(狮子) tiger (老虎) elephant (大象) kangaroo(松鼠) monkey (猴子) wolf (狼) camel (骆驼) ostrich (鸵鸟) inside (在。里面) outside (在。

外面) forest (森林) mountain (大山) rock(石头) tree(树) in front of (在。前面) behind(在。后面) river(小河) grass (草) flower (花) le**es(树叶) hole(洞) rope(绳子) judge(法官) giraffe (长颈鹿) panda (熊猫) snake (蛇) zebra(斑马) at the zoo(在动物园里)

重点句型:1、a lion has a mane. (狮子有鬃毛) a tiger has stripes.

(老虎有条纹) an elephant has a trunk.(大象有象鼻子) a kangaroo has a pouch.(袋鼠有育儿袋)

2 、li ming is inside the school. (李明在学校里) li ming is outside the shool.(李明在学校外面)

3、li ming is in front of the tree. (李明在树的前面) li ming is outside the school.(李明在树的后面)

4、the rope is in the hole. (绳子在洞里) the sheep is pulling on the rope. (绵羊正在拉绳子) in this picture,the monkey is a judge.


5、where does it/a fish/panda/bird/snake live?(它/鱼/熊猫/鸟/蛇住在哪?) in a river/forest/tree/hole.



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