
发布 2024-02-18 04:05:09 阅读 3706

-- he works at sea.

a . what b. how c .where

)3. –does your father go to work?

- he goes to work by bike.

a . what b. how c .where

)4 – does your mother do? -she is a worker.

a . what b. how c .where

)5 – is amy’s sister a coach

a . yes, he is. b. yes, she does. c .no, she isn’t.

)6、what __your father do?

a. does c. do

)7、where does he __

a. work b. works c working

( )8、i’m going to the supermarket __

morning b now c. on the weekend

)9、 what are you going to do tomorrow?

i’m __draw some pictures.

a. go to b going to c. does


( )1. 你想知道好友的妈妈是做什么的,你应该说___

a. what does your mother do? does your mother work? c how does your mother go to work?

) 2 你想知道好友的妈妈在哪工作,你应该说___

a. what does your mother do? does your mother work? c how does your mother go to work?

) 3 你想知道好友的妈妈怎样去工作,你应该说___

a what does your mother do? does your mother work? c how does your mother go to work?

)4 我的理想是成为一名警察,应说。

a i want to be a postman. b i want to be a police officer.

c i am a police officer.

) 5 你想劝别人认真学习,健康生活,怎么说。

a you work hard and stay healthy. b you should study hard and stay healthy. c you see lots of fish.


a what does your father do? b where does he work? c is your father a postman?

) 7 你想问同桌想成为一名商人吗,应问( )

a do you want to a be a postman? b do you want to be a businessman? c do you study hard and stay healthy?

六。 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写t, 错的写f.

jim lives in a city with his wife. he is a secretary. he works in a company(公司).

it is not far from his home, so he goes to work on foot every day. his wife is a worker, she works in a factory. it’s far from her home, she goes to work by car.

when she drives the car, she is very careful. when the light is red, she stops and waits. when the light is yellow, she slows down and stops.

she won’t go until the light is green. she always says that we must pay attention to the traffic lights.

) 1. jim and his wife live in a city.

) 2. jim and his wife are workers.

) 3. jim goes to work by car.

) 4. jim’s wife goes to work by car.

) 5. jim’s wife. pays attention to the traffic lights.

七.仿照例句,写出相似的句子。 注意书写规范。

father is a doctor. he works in a hospital. he goes to work by car.



2. i’m going to the bookstore. i’m going to buy a book.

i’m going tomorrow.请写一写你的计划吧。分别从去**,做什么,什么时间去三个方面来写。


小泊头镇小学2013 2014学年度第一学期六年级第五单元检测试题。一 听力部分 30 1 listen and circle 听录音圈出你所听到的字母组合 5 1 hg hj 2 bf dm 3 wxe mxo 4 ark aij 5 ucpsq ucbxy 2 listen and circle...


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