
发布 2024-02-17 08:15:19 阅读 2686



一、 写出下列动词的过去式。

1. h**e2. fly

5. feel6. win7. swim8. get

9. see10. le**e11. sing12. buy___

read16. teach___


) 1. that afternoon dad and ia bus to the park.

a. takeb. tookc. are taking

) backpack is this? -it’s

a. mike b. mike’s c. mikes

) back to beijing last saturday.

a. gob. came c. get

) 4.__you __to school yesterday?

a. did went b. do, went c. was was

) 5. it __sunny today, but it __cloudy yesterday.

a. is wasb. is is c. was was


1. weget ) up very late last sunday morning.

2. whocome) to visit our school last wednesday.

3youwork) with rich in the computer room last year?

4. whatyoubuy) in the supermarket just now?

5. my brothernot play) with him yesterday afternoon.


1. 昨晚你听**了吗? –没有,我学英语了。

youlast night?

no, ii

2. 假期他们去爬山了。

theyon their holiday.

3. 昨天他发烧了,所以他打算今天躺在床上休息。

heyesterday, so hein bed today.

4. 上个周末你们干什么了? 我们去远足了。

last weekend? we

5. 昨天我和我的父母去公园了。


6. 昨天早上,她迟到了吗?


7. 今天是星期三,昨天是星期几?

todaywednesday , what dayit yesterday?

8. 谁赢了这场比赛?

the match?


ayour weekend?

b: it was a busy one.

ab: i went to shenzhen.

ab: i went by car.

ab: i bought many things.

ab: yes, i ate good food, too.


1. she went to guangzhou on her holiday. (变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)

2. i went to harbin last year. (就划线部分提问)

3. mary saw a beautiful car. (同上)

4. people went to another place on foot many years ago. (变否定句)

5. what did your mother do yesterday evening? (按实际回答)

6. there were many houses in this village. (改为否定句和一般疑问句)

7. mary felt sick. (就划线部分提问)

8. read in bed. (改为否定句)


one day mike and his parents went out for a walk. on the way they saw a lot of people. they went up and had a look.

oh dear, what did they see? there was a donkey in the middle of the road. it would not move.

the cars and buses could not get past.

then a policeman came, “whose donkey is this?” he asked. “it’s mine.

” said a farmer, “but i can’t move it.” the farmer and the policeman try their best to move the donkey, but it would not move. the people watched and laughed, but the drivers of the cars and the buses were worried.

“we can’t move the donkey,” the farmer and the policeman said, “what shall we do?” give me some the donkey” the farmer and the policeman said. “what shall we do?

” give me some vegetables.” mike said.

mike showed the vegetables to the donkey. when the donkey saw vegetable, it walked after mike. all the cars and buses could get past at last.

“it’s a good idea, mike.” said his father.

) 1. mike went out for a walk with his __

a. friends b. classmates c. father and mother

)2. the farmer and the policeman want to __


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