
发布 2024-02-17 07:25:18 阅读 6504


bett_ _更好的)a. erb. at() 2.

b_ _dge (桥)a. 3._ op(掉下,落下) 4.

_ewer (较少的) _足够的) _地球) _d (陆地) 8._ st (最少) (灯) _e (较多的)最多) _tice (注意) (图画) (不会) _将会) _看,手表) _m (电影) ._alk (谈论) (诗人) _ll (卖) (太空)二.我能补全句子。

) 1. you __good at singing.

a. amb. are

) 2. you’re good atanne.

) 3, peter wanted to __a film.

) 4. our earth __like this from space.

a. lookb. looks

) more shops in picture one.

a. isb. are

) stories are more interesting __others.

a. thanb. to

) will __rainy.

a. isb. be

) likes

___be go

) i look __that dictionary, please?a.

)11. this toy car is one hundred yuan. it’s __any

) anne and peter __a watch

)13. peter was veryin the interestingb. interested() was interested __this tree __like a man.

a. there __a car in the are()17.--whose hat has more flowers?

has more chu’s hatb. mrs chu hat()18. he is not strong enough to __the openb.

opening() piece of meat is better than __a. myb. mine

)20. the monkey is the __playful are these?

are rice --who was qu yuan?--he __a poet.

old is dongdong?--he __seven now.


a.let’s go and watch a what’s your name?()2.我喜欢画画,可以这样说:

a. i don’t like i like drawing.()3.皮得不擅长游泳,可以这样说:

a. peter is not good at i want to skate.()4.那是一个好主意,可以这样说:

do you like doing? a good idea.()5.表示“别介意”,可以这样说:

a. never all right.()6.皮得想去游泳,你可以这样说:

a.peter wants to anne likes singing.


a. anne wants to fly a mingming wants to read a book.()8.询问“这本字典多少钱?”,你可以这样问:

much is the dictionary?b. how are you?()9.询问“你有足够的钱吗?”,你可以这样问:


dictionary is fouty-five will sell it to you.()11.当别人把东西给你时,你应该说:

are welcome.()12.当别人对你说“thank you very much.”时,你应该说:

a. you’re here you are.()13.表达“那是对的。”可以说:


a. i’m you.()15.“端午节”是:

a.the dragon boat boat race.()16.“我该怎么办?”可以说:

can i do? the matter?()17.询问“怎么回事?”,可以这样问:

the matter?b. who are you?()18.别人跟你说“how are you?”,这时你应该说:

a. i’m fine, course.()19.明明生病了,你可以建议他:

a go and see a doctor.()20.玲玲很口渴,你可以建议她:

some drink some water.()21.今天天晴,可以这样说:

is i’ll stay at home.()22.“明天会下雨。”,可以这样说:

will be it’s cloudy.()23.别人对你说:“happy birthday.”你应该说:

happy bierthday.()24.别人对你说“merry christmas.”,你应该说:

youb. merry christmas.()25.“春节”是:

a.spring christmas.


一 我能补全单词。根据品读规则,补全下列单词。1.bett 更好的 a.erb.at 2.b dge 桥 a.3.op 掉下,落下 4.ewer 较少的 足够的 地球 d 陆地 8.st 最少 灯 e 较多的 最多 tice 注意 图画 不会 将会 看,手表 m 电影 alk 谈论 诗人 ll 卖 ...


精品文档。happy english 马上就要等级考试了,一定要加油呀!classgrade等级 一 根据提示,补充单词。tall更高的 short更矮的 old 年龄更大的 strong更强壮的 young 更年轻的 big 更大的 he y更重的 long更长的 thin更瘦的 small体型 ...


期末综合练习 姓名级别。1 直接写出下面各题的得数 2 填空。2 0.4化成最简单的整数比是比值是。2 一个圆的半径扩大原来的4倍,它的周长扩大原来的 倍,它的面积扩大原来的 倍。3 公园里一个圆形花坛的周长是15.7米,这个花坛的占地面积是 平方米。4 六 1 班男生与女生人数的比例是2 3,男生...