六年级 寓言故事 英语练习题

发布 2024-02-17 08:20:19 阅读 3657


1. 完形填空:根据首字母提示,结合短文内容,填上所缺的单词。

two friends were walking in the forest. one is tall, and the other is short. the tall man(1)s to the other, “we’re good friends.

if any beast comes, i’ll(2h___you.” the short man(3) aof course, we are good friends.”

at this time a (4) b __came to them. the tall man (5)q___climbed up a tree, but the short one(6)c___he said, “help me, i can’t climb up.” but the tall man said, “no, the tree is not (7)s___

the short man had to throw(8) h___to the ground and held his(9)b___the bear smelt him and (10)w___away.

附上答案:1) said (2) help (3) answered (4)bear (5)quickly

6) couldn’t (7)strong (8) himself (9) breath (10)went

2. 读短文,根据短文选择问题的正确答案。

the wolf and the lamb

the wolf and the lamb(羊羔) upon a time, a wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when he looking up, what should he see but a lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. “there’s my supper,” thought he, “if only i can find some excuse(理由)to catch it.” then he called out to the lamb, “how dare you muddle the water from which i am drinking?

” no, master, ”said the lamb, “if the water be muddy up there, i cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.” well, then,” said the wolf, “why did you call me bad names this time last year?” that’s impossible,’ said the lamb, “i am only six months old.

” i don’t care,” snarled the wolf, “if it was not you it must be your father.” and with that he rushed upon(朝…扑) the poor little lamb. “warra, warra, warra, warra, warra.

” he ate her all up. but before she died she gasped out : any excuse will serve a tyrant.!

”1) where’s the wolf?

a. at a spring on a hillside.

b. in the spring of the forest.

c. at the top of a hillside.

2) what are the chinese meanings of “dare” and “muddle”?

a. 胆敢, 居然。

3、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。b.胆敢, 弄脏。

年,英国科学家罗伯特。胡克用自制的复合显微镜观察一块软木薄片的结构,发现它们看上去像一间间长方形的小房间,就把它命名为细胞。c.居然, 弄脏。

5、垃圾的**利用有哪些好处?(3)what was the wolf’s excuse to eat the lamb?

20、在水中生活着许我微生物,常见的有草履虫、变形虫、喇叭虫、眼虫、团藻等。 a. the lamb dare him muddle the water from which he was drinking.

b. the lamb and its dad called him bad names this time last year?

c. both a and b.


4) did the lamb really call the wolf’s bad names?

a. yes, the lamb really call the wolf’s bad names.

b. no, the lamb didn’t. call the wolf’s bad names.

c. no, but the lamb’s father really call the wolf’s bad names.

11、火药是我国的四大发明之一,我国古代的黑火药是硝石、硫黄、木炭以及一些辅料等粉末状物质的均匀混合物。迄今为止,可以考证的最早的火药配方是“伏火矾法”。(5) what’s the chinese meaning of “any excuse will serve a tyrant.!

”a. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。

b. 强词夺理。

c. 大坏蛋。


16、空气是我们生命中生时每刻都需要的地球资源,大气污染影响着我们的健康,如大气中的飘尘易使呼吸系统发生病变。减少废气和废物排放是控制大气污染最根本的办法。(1)a (2)b (3)c4)b (5)a



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