小学六年级英语总复习 介词

发布 2024-02-15 01:00:08 阅读 3317

day3 name:


at 表示时间: i go to school at seven every day 我每天早上7点去上学。

表示在某一具体地点: he is standing at the bus stop 他站在公共汽车站。

表示动作的方向、目标: let me h**e a look at the picture 让我看看这幅图。

用于某些固定搭配: at last 最后 at the same time 同时 at first 开始时 not at all 一点也不

for 为,给,替: i'll make a card for my teacher. 我要给老师做张卡片。

由于: thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。

表示给(某人)用的: there is letter for you. 这儿有你一封信。

in 在……里面: the pencil is in the desk. 铅笔在课桌里。

在一段时间里: we h**e four classes in the morning. 我们上午有四节课。

用,以: what's this in english? 这用英语怎么说?

在某一年份,季节,月份: in 2002, in spring, in january

表示状态,服饰: helen is in yellow. 海伦身穿黄色衣服。

在……方面: he is weak in english. 他的英语不行。

用于某些固定搭配: in front of 在……前面 in the end 最后

on 在……上面: there are some apple on the tree. 树上有些苹果。

在(星期)天,在某天的上午(下午,晚上): they go to english class on sunday. 星期天他们去上英语课。

i left beijing on the morning of may 1. 我在5月1日早上离开北京。

用于某些固定搭配: on duty 值日 on time 准时


1)介词和名词的连用 2)动词和介词的连用。

at first 起初;开始 get off 下车at last 最后 help sb. with sth. 帮组某人做某事。

at school 在上课,在上学 ask for 请求get up 起床 at home 在家;无拘束。

laugh at 嘲笑 learn from 向……学习 at work 上班,在工作 look after 照顾。

look for 寻listen to 听 on holiday 度假 look at 看;注视 talk about 交谈;谈 on the left/right 在左/右边 wait for 等候;等 thank for 为……而感谢。

on foot 步行on sale **;降价**

3) 形容词和介词连用。

on tv 在电视上** be afraid of 害怕 be interested in 对……感兴趣 be good at 擅长……

in class 在课堂上 be late for 干某事迟到 in english 用英语 be good for 对……有利。

4)其他。by+交通工具 by bus/train/plane/air/ship/bike/seain bed 躺在床上 lots of/a lot of 许多,大量。


1) what’s thisat, on, in ) english?

2) christmas isat, on, in ) the 25th of december.

3) the manwith, on, in ) black is su hai’s father.

4) he doesn’t do wellat, on, in ) pe.

5) look at those birdson, in ) the tree.

6) we are going to meetat, on, in ) the bus stopat, on, in ) half past ten.

7) is there a catunder, behind, in ) the door?

8) helen’s writing ***** isin, in front of ) her computer.

9) we liveat, on, in ) a new house now.

10) does it often rainat, on, in ) spring there?


1) jim is good in english and maths.

2) the films were in the ground just now.

3) they are talking to their plans.

4) how many students h**e their birthdays on may?

5) i can jog to school on the morning.

6) did you water trees at the farm?

7) can you come and help me on my english?

8) i usually take photos in sunday morning.


1. go straight ahead, the post office isyour right.

2. we could buy hamburgers __lunch.

3. i help my mother __the housework.

4. you can come and h**e dinner __us.

5. i drawed a picture __horses.

6. bill is a he**y boy __short hair.

7. adults usually give lucky money to children __spring festival.

8. it’s a postcard(明信片the usa.

9. i livethe eighth floor.

11. are you listeningme?

12. we usually stayhome __saturday afternoon.

13. shall we meet __the gate(大门the school?

14. don’t walk __the grass.

15. some children are swimming __the river(河).

小学六年级英语总复习 介词

day3 小学英语介词总结。atname 表示时间 i go to school at seven every day我每天早上7点去上学。表示在某一具体地点 he is standing at the bus stop他站在公共汽车站。表示动作的方向 目标 let me h e a look at...


小学英语总复习。小学英语介词总结。介词 preposition 一 概述。介词是英语中很活跃的词,一般置于名词之前。它常和名词或名词性词语构成介词短语。同一个介词常和不同的词语搭配形成固定搭配,表示不同意义。二 常用介词的基本用法。at 表示时间 i go to school at seven ev...

六年级上册期末总复习 介词短语

1 介词短语。1 为你做新衣服。2 试穿。3 在城市中穿行。4 穿着她的新衣服。5 许多人。6 在大街山。7 看着国王。8 指着。9 嘲笑。10 一张来我好朋友的贺卡。11 来我的派对。12 在公园。13 在四点半。14 在山上。15 住在房子里。16 在森林。17 在。前面。18 在房子周围散步。...