小学英语六年级下册期末测试题 2

发布 2024-02-14 22:55:05 阅读 4735








一、听短语标号。 (2)




二、 听句子选择。请根据你所听到的句子内容从a、b、c三个选项中选择正确的一句,将其序号填在括号里。(5分,每小题读两遍)

( )1. a. the ducks are eating our picnic

b. the pigs are eating our picnic.

c. the ducks are eating their picnic.

) 2. a. he can help you

b. you can help me.

c. i can help you.

) 3. a. we ate hamburgers and drank some milk.

b. we drank colas and ate hot dogs.

c. we ate hot dogs and drank colas.

) 4. a. they were very happy.

b. we were very happy.

c. we were very sad.

) 5. a. she lived to be 78.

b. they lived to be 87

c. she lived to be 87.


1. a: i want a hot dog, please. how much is it? b

abc.2. a: what is the girl doing? b


3. a: where is the boy? b


) 4. a: when are we going to go to the park? b


5. a: this book looks interesting. what’s it about? b



1. daming and simon went to a baseball game in america.

2. they went to the game by bike.

3. they didn’t watch the game.

4. their f**ourite team played very well.

5. daming and simon ate hot dogs and drank some juice.


一、 找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。(5分)

) 1、a、waterb、jumpc、rund、climb

) 2、a、longerb、tallerc、tiredd、stronger

) 3. a. ride b. teacher c. driver d. pupil

) 4. a. flute b. guitar c. hot dog d. drum

) 5. a. sunny b. warm c. windy d. duck

二、单项选择: (15分)

) looking __some ducks.

a. in b. at c. near

) her homework.

a. do b. did c. doing

)3. look! the boys are walking __the blackboard. .

a. to b. up c. in

) help me? sorry, i can’t

a. can b. can’t c. should

)5. -how are you, mike? you look so___

it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

)6.--did you __pictures yesterday?

a. take b. took c. taking

)7. i___my room and watched tv .

a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning

)8. the ducksin the water .

a, is swimming b, are swiming. c are swimming


a. thank you very much. b. sorry. c. goodbye.


a. how much is a hot dog? b. here you are

c. how much is a hamburger?


a. can i help you ? b. who can help me?

c. i can help you.


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