
发布 2024-02-09 01:10:07 阅读 5237




let us go skating


( )1. a. face b. bus c. us

( )2. a. head b c. lake

( )3. a. use b. egg c. he

( )4. a. boat b. box c. goat

( )5. a. sister b. doctor c. her

)6. a. hand b. g**e c. map

)7. a. went b. bed c. me

)8. a. he**y b. sleep c. weekend

)9. a. car b. father c. warm

)i0. a. start b. car c. swam

三、 选出与其它单词不同类的选项。( 5分 )

)1. b. m c. ton d. tail

)2. b. writer

)3. c. long

)4. b. read

四、 词型转换。(10分)

1.tomato (复数2 thin (比较级。

(反义词 (名词性物主代词)


第三人称单数) 同音词。



) 1、i h**e english book.

a. a b. an c./

( )2、 last weekend we in the park.

a. read books b. sing c. climb the mountain

)3、 how are you today?

a. i’m five. b. i feel well. c. i can jump.

)4、 did you learn english?

a. yes,i do. b. yes,i did. c. yes,you did.

) 5、it’s 11:30. it’s time lunch.

a. to b. for c. at

( )6、 the dog’s tail is long. the monkey’s tail is .

a. long b. longer c. longest

) 7、 i am 42 kg. she is 44kg.

so i am 2kg than her.

b. stronger c. thinner

)8、 i like tv.

)9、 did you go on your holiday?

-i went to xinjiang.

( )10、the traffic light is yellow,you may .

)11. my throatsore, my nose

a. is, hurt b. are, hurts c. is hurts

( are you going to hong kong? i’m going

a. this weekend b. by plane c. yesterday

( 13.the woman is seventy, but she looks so

a. tallb. youngc. thin

( 14 teacher’s day is in

octoberb. november c. september

( )15where does the rain come from? it comes from the

a. cloudsb. water

)16 i likebecause it’s hot, i can eat ice-creams.

a. fall b. summer c. spring

)17. let’s

a. to do homework b. do homework c. do homeworks

d. does homework

) 18. we stay __home __sundays.

a. at, on b. in, on c. at, in d. on, on

)19. look __the picture and talk __it.

a. of, in b. at, to c. at, about d. in, about

)20. i often __tv on sunday evening.

a. see b. watch c. look d. look at


1、 i went to the bookstore and (buy)a new book yesterday.

2、 did you (row)a boat last weekend?

3 、look,zhangpeng is (play) football.

4、 chen jie is going to make (she)mother a birthday card.

5、 i would like a new pair of (shoe)for my birthday.


1) how do you feel?

2) what’s the weather like in kunming?

3) whose bag is bigger?

4) what can mike do at the party?

5) did you help them clean their room?

a. yes, i did.

b. my bag.

c. i feel sick.

d. it’s usually sunny and warm.

e. he can sing english songs.


1、i like grapes.(变为否定句)


2、i cleaned my room last weekend.(对划线部分提问)

you last weekend?

3、my mother is a tv reporter.(改为一般疑问句)

a tv reporter?

4、i am 45kg. (对划线部分提问)

are you?

are some birds in the sky. (变为否定句)

therebirds in the sky.

6. there’s a little dog under the tree. (变为一般疑问句)

a little dog under the tree ?

7.. her shoes are white就划线部分提问)

are her shoes?

8. there’s a map on the wall就划线部分提问)

on the wall?

9. there’re twenty-five boys in the class. (就划线部分提问)

boys are there in the class?


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