
发布 2024-02-14 22:45:05 阅读 8718



is alice’s sister. is in class 4, grade 3. huang is jack’s father.

yan is fine. books are yellow and green.


1.br _ g (带来) 2. m_ _l(邮件) 3. w_ _th_ _天气)

4. m_ss(想念) 奖品练习)

7._rd_r(订购) 乐队) _数学) _tant(重要)


___thanksgiving day yesterday.

a. was

were very kind __me.

3. when are you

4. don’t forget __send us a letter.

5. did you finish __

packmany __of water do you want ?


are you___

can eat that___

is playing __piano.

usually eat pizza __sunday.

about __a band ?

___a big party last night.

is good at __the piano.

playh**e something___tell you.

want to do

interesting something interest

don’t want to do it by __



and one

you like __football?

五.用单词的适当形式填空 (10分)

1. i’m good at __the guitar. (play)

2. we __a big party last night.(h**e)

3. pingping___the best.(sing)

4. how about __a band?(make)

5. what are youdo)

六.选词填空 (10分)

a:__1___at the amusement park!

b: all right. bye ,mom.

a:what kind __2___pizza do you want?

b:a cheese __3___

a: i h**e something___4___tell you .

b: i h**e to go back to canada __5___my parents.

with, of, h**e fun, to, pizza )


it’s sunday today. qiaoqiao and xiaoxiao want to eat pizza for lunch. xiaoxiao calls happy day pizza.

the clerk wants to know their address , xiaoxiao tells her it’s 1435 maple **enue.

) tuesday today.

) and xiaoxiao want to eat pizza for lunch.

) calls happy day pizza.

) clerk wants to know their address.

) tells her it’s 1543 maple **enue.



听力内容:一。 what kind of clothes do you want? b: i want a cardigan.

see a picture of grandma inside the h**e two pieces og cake.

is as tell as in the same grade. i’m in the fourth grade, too.

二. ann. alice is my sister.

2.--what class are you in , peter?--i’m in class3, grade 4.

is he is jack’s father.

are you li yan? _very well.

dress is green and yellow.

答案:一。(10分)1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(c)



四.(20分) 1———6———


六.(10分) fun

七.(10分)1—— t t t f

八.略。根据标题要求可分三档。一档10——8 二档8——5 三档 5——


晨光教育小学六年级英语测试卷 学校姓名分数。一 选择单词中所缺的字母,使单词完整。10分 1.d ss a.re b.er c.ar 2.win w a.fo b.do c.go 3.beg a.in b.on c.en 4.l ve a.e b.a c.i 5.n v r a.e,i b.e,a ...


2014 2015学年度第二学期pep教材。学校班别 姓名。一 按要求写词。10分 复数反义词。序数词第三人称单数。名词性物主代词现在分词 单三形式过去式。单数同音词。二 把下列单词的字母编号按类别写在相应的横线上。20分 subjectsjobs animalsfoods colours offi...


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