
发布 2020-07-20 19:41:28 阅读 2651



1、 男孩在骑自行车但是天开始下雨了。(

2、 他开始穿过马路但是车来了。(

3、 大明正吹号但**响了。(

4、 他正吃晚饭但门铃响了。(

5、 妈妈正在说话但**响了。(


( )1. miss mess ( 2. chairs stairs ( 3. balloon afternoon

( )4. enjoy toy ( 5. cola dollar ( fly

( )7. careful carry ( trumpet ( 9. ring sing

( )10. shine fine


( )1.a. $20 b. a hot dog

( )2. a. i’m watching tv. b. she’s talking on the phone.

( )3. a. at half past twelve. b. we’re going to h**e a picnic.

( )4. a. i’m going to ride my bike. b. i’m doing my homework.

( )5. a. a cola, please. b. a hamburger, please.


( )天下雨了,鸭子在水中游泳。

( )天很好男孩子在踢足球。

( )有风的日子他们野炊。

( )雪天孩子堆雪人。

( )热天他们喝可乐。



beijing shanghai honking taiwan xi’an



1. away, kite, is, flying, the .

2. we, going, when, are, the, park, to ?


( )1.what are you doing? i’m some photos.

a\send b\ sending c\ going to send

( )2. what do you want to eat? ,please.

a\cola b\ milk c\ a hot dog

( )3. he can basketball very well.

a\ play b\plays c\ playing

( )4. can you help us?

a\ sorry, i can. b\ yes, you can. c\ no, i can’t.

( )5. daming playing with a dog.

a\ am b\is c\are

( )6. is it? it’s eleven.

a\ what time b\when c\what

( )7. it’s going to be tomorrow.

a\windy bain c\snow

( )8. how many books are there in the bag?

a\yes, there are. b\no, there aren’t. c\ there are three.

( )9. what are you going to do after school?

a\i go home. b\i’m going home. c\i’m playing football.

( )10. mum is buying things your birthday.

a\at b\for c\to


1. i’m playing basketball. 放风筝。

2. he is going to swimming on sunday. 踢足球。

3. the boy is flying a kite. 游泳。

4. i’m going to go to bed after dinner. 打篮球。

5. i often play football at the weekend. 睡觉。


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1. he is reading the book , the doorbell is ringing.

2. amy writing her homework.

3. sam carry the box.

children playing in the park.

5. it is raining we are all at home.

6. i sending some photos.


lucy is little american girl. she’s only six. now she is in china with her parents.

her parents are teachers in china. they work in the north university. lucy goes to the kindergarten every day.

now she can speak a little chinese. but she can’t read or write. she likes chinese food.

she likes china.

1. lucy is from england.(

2. both lucy’s father and mother are teachers. (

3. lucy is a primary school student. (

4. lucy can read a little chinese. (

5. lucy doesn’t like chinese food. (


he’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.

he’s starting to cross, but a bus is coming.

daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is riding.

he’s h**ing dinner, but the doorbell is ringing.

mum is talking, but the phone is ringing.

二、mess stairs balloon enjoy dollar fly carry trumpet ring shine

三、how much is the meal?

what’s your mother doing?

when are we going to eat?

what are you going to do at the weekend?

what do you want to drink?

四、it is snowing. the children are ****** snowman.

the sun is shining. the boys are playing football.

it’s hot. they are drinking cola.

it’s windy. they are h**ing a picnic.

it’s raining .the ducks are swimming in the water.

五、what time is it? it’s four o’clock.

what time is it? it’s half past seven.

what time is it? it’s half past two.

what time is it? it’s eleven o’clock.

what time is it? it’s half past eight.

六、the weather tomorrow. it’s going to cold in beijing.

it’s going to rain in shanghai.

it’s going tom be hot in hong kong.

it’s going to rain in ****ei.

it’s going to snow in xi’an.


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