
发布 2020-07-20 20:11:28 阅读 3336

六年级下学期英语综合评价 (一)

一. 根据要求写出下列单词:

1 h**e(现在分词2 spend(过去式)

3 shine(现在分词4 le**e(过去式)

5 waiter(对应词6 careful(副词)

7 chinese(复数8 inside(反义词)

9 enjoy(过去式10 never(反义词)




5.生于 away

long time home

over china10.犯错误。


) 1 they are playing football, _it’s staring to rain.

a so b or c and d but

) 2 tom goes to school __a car, but he went to school __a bus.

a on, on b in, in c in, on d on, in

) 3 she __up at six every morning, but she __up at sever yesterday. a getting, get b get, gets c gets, got d got, gets

)4 amy went to bed at ten last night,__lucy went to bed at ten, too.

a because b and c but d so

) 5 ia book __you, too!

a took, for b g**e, for c bought, for d buys, for

) 6 __october 2003, shenzhou v flew into space __yang liwei.

a in, for b in, with c on, for d on,for

) 7 he saw his father __space and he was very proud __him.

a on, with b in, with c in, for c in, of

) what’s the matter___you? a with

) 9you __to a farm last week?

a do, went b do, go c did, went d did, go

) 10 they went to the zoo. they __their bikes. they __many animals.

a rided, see b ride, saw c rode, saw d rode, see

) twenty years old, _he looks older. a. so

) is taking __to the western hill. a us

) i was baby , i __write.

)14.__close the windows ,please.

) want to __a teacher when i grow up(长大).

四. 用动词的适当形式填空。

1 meimei __clean) the stairs every __clean) the stairs last week, too.

3 look! the studentsclean) the classroom.

4 hestudy) chemistry after supper tonight.

5 i wanted youbring) the baseball caps.

6 i __not watch) the football match, but i helped my mother do housework.

7 it’s easymake) mistakes with english.


liwel___in a spaceship and a __a video.

v___into space anda taikonaut.

america and __some photos.

mum___a book and __it to him.

keller___see and she___hear.

ducks___the picnic and __it.

and amy __some time in china andchinese.

braille___braille letters andfamous.

七.阅读理解a thief(小偷)

old mrs black lost her purse.”tom is a thief. he came to my house with his mother last night,” she thought.

she was not happy. she watched tom very carefully. the boy talked like a thief.

he walked like a thief and he looked just like a thief. the next day she cleaned her house. she found her purse under the sofa.

she was very pleased. the next day she saw tom, the boy did not look like a thief at all. he looked like a good boy.


) 1 mrs black lost her purse. (2 mrs black thought tom was the thief.

) 3 mrs black did not know tom4 tom was a thief.

) 5 mrs black found her purse in her hom.

六年级下学期英语综合评价 (二)

一. 写出下列单词的各种形式。


过去式4. spend(过去式)


过去式8. carry (三单)

9. shine(现在分词10. cent(同音词)



3.练习我的英语4. 围着湖边走。



四. 选择:

) 1 i’m going toa t-shirt.

a wears b wear c put

) 2 he goes to schoolbike.

a rideb onc by

) 3 helen keller is a modelblind people.


小学阶段水平测试 英语试卷 recite and write.按英文字母表顺序默写5个元音字母,要有大小写,并按四行线要求书写。每个字母1分,满分5分 look and write.按要求完成下列各小题。共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分 1.sea 同音词2.old 反义词。3.begin 现在分...


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考试时间 40分钟满分 80分。一 选出一个不同类的单词,把其字母编号写在括号里。共5分,每题1分 二 用所给的字母组成一个单词,使句子合理通顺。共5分,每题1分 ib,d,i,e,c,m,l a tree yesterday.1.oh,my fingers,t,u,h,r 2.who se,e,h...