pep六年级英语下册综合测试题 二

发布 2020-07-20 20:10:28 阅读 9826


一、 选出单词划线部分发音不同的一项。(5分)

) name b. game c. many

) who b. what c. why

) excuse b. bus c. cup

) room b. food c. book

) how b. know c. now

二、 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。(15分)

1. stop(过去式过去式3. three(序数词。

4. ride(现在分词5. we(宾格6. our(名词性物主代词)__

7. my(名词性物主代词)__过去式)__9. man(复数)__

10. sit(现在分词11. knife(复数单三形式)__

13. h**e(单三形式过去式过去式。


)'m two years __than you . a. young

) up __younger to older . a . from c. of

) 3. how big __your feet ? a. is b. are c .it

) 480cm

tall are you ? long are your legs ? c .how old are you ?

) monkey do you like ?

a .i like the yellow one. 's younger. c . it's nice .

) 6.--how __is your best friend ? thirteen years old .

b .tall

) tall is chen jie?

is 12 years old. 'm 147cm. c .she is 150cm.

) looking __some ducks. a. in b. at c. near

)9. she’s __her homework. a. do b. did c. doing

)10. the __are playing in the park. a. child b. childs c. children

)11. look! the boys are walking __the blackboard. .

a. to b. up c. in

)12. i want __some tea ,please . a. to drink b. drink c. drinking

)13. -how are you, mike? you look so___

it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

)14. .i am going to __in my bedroom. a. does b. playing c. rest

)15.--did you __pictures yesterday? a. take b. took c. taking

)16. i___my room and watched tv . a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning

)17. the ducksin the water .

a, is swimming b, are swiming. c are swimming


you very much.

)19. a dogunder that tree.

a. sleeping b, is sleeping c, sleep

) is tooi can’t do my homework. a. soon b. sunny c .noisy


1. how manysheep) are there on the hill ?

2. there are manypeople) in his family.

3. thechild) are playing games on the playground now.

4. i’m __make) a kite. 5. shelike) swimming.

6. shewrite) a letter to her friends last weekend.

7. my friendplay) games every day.

8. ido) my homework yesterday.

9. therebe) many books here. canplay) the piano.


)1、 i am going in a big trip改正。

a b c d

)2、how do lucy feel? she looks sad. 改正。

a b c de

)3、i am sorry too hear that改正。

a b c d

)4、what do you do last weekend改正。

a b c d

)5、amy is 4 cm tall than mike改正。

a b c d


1. one older year you i than am (.

2. you go where on did holiday your(?)

3. brother me 4cm my is taller than(.)

4. hiking went sunday last amy(.)

5. friends i new sang my and with danced(.)


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