
发布 2024-02-14 03:50:09 阅读 8964



小朋友,请按照题目要求在60分钟内准确快速完成各题。come on !



) hamburger b. cola c. dollar

)2. a. study b. enjoy c. laugh

)3. a. careful b. proud c. stairs

)4. a. loudly b. noisy c. worry

)5. a. pilotb. balloon c. doorbell



in october 2003, my fatherinto space in shenzhouⅴ. he __about twenty-one hours in __a lot of work also___a video about his space tr**el. then he __back to the mother and i __to the airport meet my were very was a great was very proud of him.



( a ) 英语名称:


b ) 汉语名称:

chemistry physics history french geography


)1. he wants to __orange juice.

a. eat b. drink c. buying

)2. we are going to h**e a picnic __the park.

a. in b. on c. at

)3. i am __daming’ s birthday card.

a. make b. makes c. ******

) 4. they are playing football, it rains.

a. and b. but c. from

) 5. helen keller was blind. she __see.

a. can b, could c. couldn’t


) 1. a .milk b. cola c. juice d. hamburger

) 2. a. dollar b. cent c. yuan d. kilo

) 3. a. was b. g**e c. h**ing d. went

) 4. a. sunny b. rain c. warm d. monday

( )5. a. world b. what c. when d. where


) 1. the girl wants to eat a hamburgera.

) always go to school by busb.

) 3. i bought a bicycle for my sisterc.

) 4. the ducks are swimming in the waterd.

) 5. we’re going to go to school at eight o’clock. e.


)1. what do you want to eat? a. it’s three dollars.

)2. how much is a hot dog? b. i want a hamburger.

)3. what is daming doing ? c. because i’m happy

)4. why are you laughing? d. i played computer games.

) did you do yesterday? e. he’s playing the trumpet.


例如)the boy is playing football.

1. he2. hetv.

3. hea book.

4. theya kite.

5. theybasketball.


i’m sam. i am on the train now. i am looking out of the window.

it is raining. pigs are sleeping under the tree. a man is wearing a big cap and a raincoat.

boys are swimming in the water. the train is going up a hill. the sun is shinning.

girls are playing in a park. now the train is coming to the station. i’m very happy.

( )1. sam is on the train now.

) 2. pigs are eating under the tree.

) 3. a man is wearing a raincoat and a cap.

) 4. girls are swimming in the water.

) 5. boys are playing football in a park.


六坝学区六年级英语毕业会考模拟测试卷 一 一 找出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的单词。5分 2.b.flower 二 在四线三格里默写从 f o 的大小写,注意书写规则。5分 三 英汉互译。10分 1.打羽毛球2.玩得开心。3.野营4.练武术。5.向右转6.去散步。7.去超市8.学中文。9.猜字谜10...


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