
发布 2024-02-14 01:25:09 阅读 6672






) 1. a. my uncle is an engineer.

b. my uncle works in england.

c. my uncle is an english teacher.

2 . a. what is your mother doing?

b. what does your mother do?

c. what is your mother going to do?

) 3. a. sarah is a tv reporter.

b. sarah is watching a tv report.

c. sarah is watching tv.

) 4. a. what are you going to do?

b. where are you going this evening?

c. what are you going to be?

) 5 . a. how does your father go to work?

b. why does your father like his work?

c. where does your father work?


) i’m reading a book. b. i’m going to be a tv reporter. c. i’m going to the zoo.

) 2. a. no , he isn’t. b. yes, he does. c. no, he can’t.

( )3. a. she works in a car factoryb. she is a singer.

c. she is going to be an engineer.

) 4. a. he works in shanghai. b. by car. c. he is a teacher.

) 5. a. she likes dancing. b. she is a student.

c. she goes to school in the morning.


1. i clean streets. i am a

2. i sing songs. i am a

3. i dance. i am a

4. i drive cars. i am a

5. i write stories. i am a



1. swim(-ing形式2.by(同音词。

3. teach(第三人称单数4.policeman(复数。

5. big(反义词6.different(反义词。

7. doesn’t(完整形式8.read(第三人称单数) _

9. sing(名词形式10.writer(动词形式)


)1.—what___she do?—she's a dancer.

a.do b. does c.doing

)2.sometimes my auntin shanghai.

a.works b.work c.working

)3does your mother work?

a.which b.what c.where

)4. she goes to hong kongplane.

a.on b.by c.to

)5.there is___actress in the card.

a.ab.the c.an

) 6. she cleans streets. who's she? oh, she is a __

a. salesperson b. cleaner c. tv reporter

) 7. my uncle is a writer. he writes the tv show __my aunt.

a. forb. at c. on

) 8. she is an artist. she likes __pictures.

a. draw b. draws c. drawing

) 9. he helps the banktheir money well.

a. use b. uses c. using

) 10. does he enjoypeople?

a. help b. helps c. helping

) 11. tim is going to___a policeman.

a. dob. be c. work


1what does your father do?

2how does amy’s mother go to work?

3does she go to work by bus?

4who is that young man?

5how does sam go to school?

6what are you going to be?

a. he is my uncleb. she goes to work by bike.

c. he’s an accountant. d. yes, she does.

e. he goes to school on foot. f i am going to be an artist.



factory, a, my, car, works, father (.

2. goes to work,bike,he,by (

3. your aunt,does,do,what (

you, what, going, are, to (?

5. helping people,she,does,enjoy (


1. does, she, how, hong kong, to, go(?)连词成句)

2. she is wu yifan’s aunt. (对划线部分提问)

3. she go to work by subway. (改错句)

4. my mother is a tv reporter.(对划线部分提问)

5. what are you going to be? (根据实际情况回答)

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