
发布 2024-02-14 01:20:09 阅读 5822





) 1. /i: /a. tree c. tea d. red

) 2. /ia. pig b. bike c. dish d. pin

) 3. /ea. get b. me c. zest d. seven

) 4a. plane b. cat c. fan d. apple

) 5a. father b. car c. bank d. ask

b) 选出发音不同单词的序号(10分)

)1. a. likes b. maps c. lives

)2. a. noodle b. foot c. food

)3. a. those b. both c. this

)4. a. make b. late c. cat

)5. a. he b. get c. mess

)6. a. bike b. pick

)7. a. often b. coke c. go

)8. a. cute b. cut c. up

)9. a. school b. teacher c. watch

)10. a. room b. cook c. book


4. so5. hot6. cake


1. everyone (h**e) hobbies.

2. are they (interest) in playing the piano?

3. there are many (type) of books.

4. this book is very (interest).

5. what is that (girl) hobby?

6. tony’s father likesplay) cards.

7. my mother’s hobby is (cook).

8. he wants to show us how (make) leaf paintings.

9. he is going (buy) a pair of shoes.

10. you should (stay) at home.






1. he enjoys farming.(对划线部分提问)

what he enjoy ?

2. i like reading.(改为同义句)

i amreading.

3. my grandpa works on a farm.(对划线部分提问)

does your grandpa ?

4. there are many toys in the shop.(改为一般疑问)

many toys in the shop?

5. my friend lives in tianjin.(改为否定句)

my friendin tianjin.

6. he is interested in listening to music.(同义句)

he listening to music.

7. they often do their homework after school.(对划线部分提问)

theyafter school?

8. he has supper at six thirty. (对划线部分提问)

he supper?

9. he doesn’t read news***** every morning.(肯定句)

he news***** every evening.


my name 1 lily. i’m twelve 2 old. i h**e one brother.

his name is tom and he’s thirteen. i don’t h**e 3 sisters.

i live 4 my mum, dad, and grandpa in a small house in london. there 5 lots of things to do there. my friends and i go to the movies 6 friday.

i like basketball 7 very much. i often play basketball with my friends. i h**e two pets---a dog 8 a cat.

i like 9 . 10 my father doesn't like them

)1. a. are b. is c. can

)2. a. days b. year c. years

)3. a. some b. any c. an

)4. a. in b. with c. on

)5. a. are b. is c. do

)6. a. with b. at c. on

)7. a. well b. very c. good

)8. a. or b. but c. and

)9. a. them b. they c. it

)10. a. but b. and c. or


)1. he how to sing in french.

a. know b. to know c. knows

)2. he often people.

a. interview b. interviews c. interviewing

)3. what’s your hobby?

a. father b. father’s c. fathers’

)4. is his f**ourite.

a. watch tv b. watching tv c. to watch tv

)5. he likes playing his friends.

a. at b. and

) good at .

a. fishing b. fish c. fishes

)7. my uncle likes for different people.

a. make different thing b. make different things

c. ****** different things

)8. tom breakfast at 7:00.

a. h**e b. has c. h**ing

)9. i go to school at twenty eight.


小学英语六年级上册综合检测一。班级姓名 一 选出与其他三个不同类的单词。每小题1分,共5分。1.a.bus b.ship c.biked.book 2.a.stop b.goc.waitd.light 3.a.morning b.afternoon c.evening d.week 4.a.tomo...


2014 2015学年度上学期。一 请按要求写出相应的词语。第三人称单数。复数。动名词。动名词。反义词。二。请写出正确的中英文翻译。1.超过2.美国 国旗制定纪念日。5.集邮。三 请选出最恰当的答案。2 kitesismyhobby.5.thanksgivingwesay thankyou foro...


洛浦厦滘学校二0一三学年第一学期。满分100分,90分钟完成 听力部分 30分 一。根据听到的内容,在括号内写出各图的大写字母编号。5分 二。听录音,选出你听到的信息,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。6分 b.164,000,000 c.165,000,000 三。听录音,写出句子所缺的单词。10...