
发布 2024-02-14 01:20:09 阅读 5182


全卷100分 60分钟完卷)




)3. abc.

)4. abc.

)5. abc.




)11. like thisb. do like this.

)12. like an orangeb. i like oranges.

)13. can fly a kiteb. she can’t fly a kite.

)14. the library over there? the library there?

)15. pen is pen is short.


) you for

in ) teachers’ office is on thefloor.

)18the table,please.

)19storybook is it? -it’s hers.

is ) areseasons in a year.

) le, would you likeus?

) takepictures here.

) help yourselfsome apples.

) dad! are you in new york

) tom! nice toyou again.



)26. live in from tongjiang.

)27. i i do.

)28. is is a pupil.


)29. abc.

)30. abc.




31ss 二)把下列话语正确抄写在四线三格内。(2分)

where’s my ball?(1分)

boy can’t play football because it is boring. (1分)


take care of yourself(1分)

on monday we scince(1分)



)36.-thank you, mr bright

welcome. right.

) this is rose. who’s

and b )38sir. is this your coat? -yes,it is.

me )39. 8:30 is read as(读作。

eight thirty c.8:30

) september to november.

and b ) is a paintbox. do you like

)42. miss chentwo daughters.

b. has

) mother doesn’t like sweet

and b ) go there by boat firston foot..

) young sister can playpiano.

c.不填。 ) is here. we are goingtrees.

plant plant to

) my father is

b. reading c. a and b

)48live in mountains.

) le, please turnthe lights after school.

) isday.

b. childrens’ c. children’s


)51.-is it the eiffel tower

that’s ok.

that’s right.

c. es, that’s all right.

)52.—what class are you in?

in class 5, grade 6.

in class five, grade six.

c. i’m in class 5, grade 6.

)53.—what’s the date today?


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