六年级英语毕业复习题 二

发布 2024-02-13 00:45:06 阅读 3633






1、( a、 e a b、 e i c、 e j

2、( a 、b j b 、b g c、 d g

3、( a 、f b b、 f d c 、k g


4. ab5. a( )b( )

6. a ( b7. ab( )



. 显身手。在下面四线三格内用手写体抄写单词,每个单词抄一遍。(5分)

floor key lion backusa


11.( a. riceb. porkc. light

12.( a. cowb. bootsc. goat

13.( a. computer b knifec fork

14.( a .sheepb cheapc expensive

15.( a. shelfb. sunnyc. rainy


a. sweater b. story-book c. weather d. garden e. kitchen

a . do sports b. short hair c. play computer game d. forty-one

e. it`s rainy.

. 精挑细选。请从a、b、c三个选项中选择正确答案填入题后括号内。(10分)


a、what time is it ? b、what`s this ? c、what`s the time?


a. it`s time for english class. b.

it`s time to go home. c. it`s time to english class.


a. where are they ? b. how many people in your family ? much are they ?


a . are they goats ? b. what are they ? c. they are goats.

30. 你向来自美国的朋友介绍大足的天气时,你可以这样说:(

a. dazu is very nice. b. it`s warm in dazu. c. what`s the weather in dazu ?

31、三组字母中按字母顺序排列正确的是( )a. ljs b. bsz c. yta

32、别人问你what would you like for dinner ?你该怎么回答:(

a i`d like some cucumber , rice and soup.

b. i like grapesc. yes, i do.


a he`s in the study. b is he in the kitchen? c yes, it is.


a. how many is your jacket ? b. how much is the jacket?

c. what colour is your jacket ?


a .what day is it today? b what`s the weather like today?

c .what`s this day?


a组。is the it is .

37. is that your skirtb. he`s my uncle.

that manc. sure. here you are.

39. are they in the roomd. it`s on the sofa.

i h**e some soupe. no, they aren`t.

b组。41 how many people are there in your family?( a he`s a baseball player.

42 what`s your fatherb there are four.

43 can i use your penc it`s 12.

44 what`s the weather like in beijingd sure, here you are.

45 what time is ite it`s cold.


i`m zhangpeng . it`s `s 6:40.

it`s `s time to get up. i wear my new t-shirt. .

it`s pink. i wear my green shorts. they`re old.

but i like them very much. i h**e pe. class today,so i wear my white shoes.

at 7:00 , i h**e some hamburgers and milk for breakfast. then i go to school at 7:

20.1. i get up at 6:30. (

2. i h**e a yellow shirt. it`s new. (

3. i like my green shorts.(

4. i wear green shoes today.(

5. i h**e breakfast at 7:20.(

六年级英语毕业复习题 四

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