六年级英语毕业复习题 三

发布 2024-02-13 00:40:06 阅读 6130






1( )a. p zb. x z c. p q

2( )a. o qb. q r c. r t

3( )a. j kb. h j c. l n





empty america birthday knife quiet


)11. a. mirrorb. bookc. curtain

)12. a. flyb. elephantc. squirrel

)13. the room b. wash clothes c. on the desk

)14. a. drinking fighting

)15. a. listen to music an english class hair


a. socks b. run c. egg d. quiet e. sunny

a. play football b. go to school c. set the table

d. do homework e. catch butterflies

. 精挑细选。请从a、b、c三个选项中选择正确答案填入题后括号内。(10分)

26. there areseasons in a year(年).

a. three b. four c. six

27. -what can you do

a. it is a dog. b. she is a student. c. i can cook the meals.

28. 当对方问你:“what do you do?”你应该回答。

reading a book. b. i like apples. a student.

29. 当你问别人“她正在干什么?”,应该说。

are you doing? b. what is he? c. what is she doing?

30. 当你问别人“你喜欢吃什么?”应该说。

a. what’s your food? b. what would you like to eat?

c. what food is it?


a. what time is it ? b. when do you get up? time to get up.


a .this is my teacher. b. happy teacher`s day. c. thank you.


a i can swim. b i can fly kites. c i can play with snow.

34 很久不见怎么问好:(

a how are you? b how do you do ? c good morning.

35. 想问别人多大年龄时,你可以说:

your name? b. where are you? old are you ?


a组。 ) the datea. i`m 14.

) is your birthdayb.because i can swim in the sea.

)38.which season do you like best? c.it’s july 4th.

)39.why do you like summerd.i like summer best.

)40. how old are youe it`s in february.

b组。 )41 what colour is ita yes. there are.

)42. are there any trees in the mountain? b. i`m doing the dishes.

)43. whose pen is often visit my grandparents.

) do you do on the weekend? d it`s tom`s.

)45. what are you doinge it`s black.


hello , i am zoom. i get up at 6:00 every day in the morning.

i eat break- fast at 6:30 . then i go to school at 7:

00. we do morning exercises at 8:00.

we h**e three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. i go home at 5:00 i play basketball at 5:

30 . i eat dinner an 7:30 .

then i do my homework . i go to bed at 9:00.

this is my day. what about yours ?

1. how many classes does zoom h**e in a day ?(

a five b six

2. when does zoom play basketball in the afternoon?(

a at 4:00 b 5:30

3. where does zoom eat breakfast?(

a at school b at home

4. when does zoom eat breakfast ?(

a at 7:30 in the morning . b at 7:30 in the evening.

5. when does zoom go to bed ?(

a at 9:00 b at 9:00

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