
发布 2024-02-11 17:15:08 阅读 7899

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一、 根据录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的**下面的字母圈住。(10分)

a ba b



1. how do youi failed the test. i am

2. they areinsects andbutterflies.

3. does he like __the violin? sure. he __listening to music.

4. last month, mike __many things. now, he is much___than before.

5. his uncle is an englishhe english very well .


)1. a. it’s saturday. b. it’s rainy. c. it’s june 25th.

)2. a. he’s a student. b. he likes apples. c. he’s young and smart.

)3. a. i went to a park. b. i go shopping. c. i was happy.

)4. a. it comes from vapour. b. it comes from the rain.

c. it comes from the stream.

)5. a. she does housework.

b. she is a nurse.

c. she usually watches tv.



did , worker , does , tired , goes , was , sad , often , cleaned , play works , cooked , played , went , playing)

my good friend is ann. she __to work by motor cycle every day. shein a factory.

she is a goodshe often __housework at home, too. yesterday, she came back from work. shedinner for us.

after dinner, shethe dishes and thenthe house. after doing that, she was __she had a rest. then she __the piano.

she can __it well. at about 11:00, she went to bed.


1. what’s the matter with her

2. which food does john like?

3. what is liu yun doing now?

does she work?

5. how many elephants are there at the zoo?



chen jie: hi, amy

amy: it’s wednesday.

chen jie: oh, let’s go to the zoo this weekend.

amy: good idea

chen jie: let’s see monkeys. they are very smart.

amy: ok

chen jie: we can go by like.

amy: but i h**e no bike. let’s go by bus, ok?

chen jie: ok

amy: what about eight thirty?

chen jie


zhang ming is a student. he usually goes to school on foot. this morning he went to school by bus because he got up late.

li dong is zhang ming’s classmate and he didn’t go to school. he went swimming yesterday and had a cold. the doctor asked him to stay in bed and take some medicine.

so, after class, zhang ming and his classmates are going to visit him.


)1. zhang ming goes to school on foot every day.

)2. the doctor asked zhang ming to stay in bed, because he had a cold.

)3. li dong had a cold because he went swimming last weekend.

)4. zhang ming is going to visit li dong with his classmates.

) ming didn’t go to school this afternoon. because he is going to visit li dong.



一、 根据录音内容,将下面每组中符合录音内容的**下面的字母画圈住。(10%)

1. i like drawing. i ’m going to be an artist.(b)

2. there is a river in the forest. (b)

spring, i planted trees with sarah. we were so happy. (a)

4. amy’s bag is he**ier and bigger than chen jie’s. which one is chen jie’s bag. (b)

5. this is my bedroom. it’s big and beautiful. you can see a computer on my desk. (a)


1. sarah didn’t go to school. because she has a fever. (

2. i’m going to see a film. the cinema is south of the hospital (√

3. last weekend, wu yifan went to the book-store to buy a present for his friends. (


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