
发布 2024-02-11 14:45:08 阅读 5632




二 、听句子三次,选出句子中含有的信息。(10分)

) 1. a. a policeman b. a postmanc.. a fireman

) 2. a. 13 poundsb. 30 poundsc. 40 yuan

) 3. a. black-and – white b. brown –and –black c. black-and –red

) 4. a .american girl b. australian girl c. canadian boy

) 5. a. old and tall b. old and thinc. young and thin

) 6. a. patient and kind b. patient and hardworking c. honest and kind

) 7. a. the he**y boy b. the slim ladyc. the only child

) 8. a. wash the clothes b. clean the house c. sweep the floor

) 9. a. put outb. get downc. get up

) the blue sweater b. the black skirt c. the brown shoes


) 1. yes, he is .

) 2. they’re movie stars .

) 3. at eight thirty .

) 4. no, it isn’t .

) 5. yes, i do .

) 6. she’s my grandmother .

) 7. they’re four hundred yuan .

)8. they h**e a music lesson and a maths lesson .

)9. there are two.


1. a:howare the

b: they’re oneandyuan .

2. a: what do youto beyou grow up ?

b: a3. a: do the childrenat

b. yesdo .

4. my father isand he’s aman .

五、听对话 ,根据对话的内容,判断下面的句子与对话是否一致,如一致,请在括号内写“t ”,否则写“ f ”。6分)

) 1. ben’s school is big and nice .

) 2. there are many trees in his school .

) 3. there are fifty-four children in ben’s class .

) 4. the children in ben’s class like games .

) 5. the boys often skip after school .

) 6. the girls usually play football after school .


) 1. a. dinner b. dress c..lunch d. breakfast

) 2. a. cake b. bread c. rice d .farmer

) 3. a. dentist b. movie star c. friendly d. soldier

) 4. a .history b. maths c. learn d. music

) 5. a. tall b. hero c. patient d. handsome

) 6. a. drink b. juice c. milk d. coffee

) 7. a. football b. sport c. basketball d. badminton

) 8. a. coat b. blouse c. dress d. clothes

七、看图读句子,判断句子是否与图画一致,如一致,请在括号内写“t”,否则写“ f”。(8分)

) 1. the young man is a cook .

) 2. look at the two woman .they are thin and short .

) 3. the jeans are ten yuan .

) 4. cleaners clean up everything..

) 5. the man and the lady often play table tennis .

) 6. it’s friday today .

) 7. this baby is very cute.

) 8. the man is a bank mannager .


1. that big tv is四百英镑).

2. xiaoling is独生子女)in her family .

3从周一到周五) we go to school..

4. postmen deliver letters每天) .


) is it today ? it’s monday .

a. dogb. dayc. time

) 2. we play badminton __tuesday .

a. atb. inc. on

) 3. the children go to schoolseven forty .

a.. atb .onc. at

) 4. it’s time __go home now.

a. forb. toc. at

)5. we go to school __monday __friday .

a. from …on b. on …to c. from ..to

)6. do you often __on sunday ?

a. play football b. play a football c. play the football

) 7. there are __days in a week(周) .

a. sixb. sevenc. eight

) 8. the boys usually play basketballschool .

a. onb. toc. after

) 9is between tuesday and thursday .

a. monday b. fridayc. wednesday

)10. the girlsfrom america .


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