
发布 2024-02-11 13:40:08 阅读 8978




听力部分 (40分)


)1. a. whatb. wherec. when

)2. a. trainb. subwayc. plane

)3. a. get tob. go toc. go home

)4. a. news***** b. magazinec. dictionary

)5. a. this morning b. this afternoon c. this evening

( )6. a. stopb. storyc. store

( )7. a. northb. southc. mouth

( )traffic light b. traffic rules c. traffic lights

( )hospital b. post office c. library

二、根据你听到的句子意思判断下列**或句子的正误,对的打“√ 错的打“ ╳10分)

mother is a teacher

7. jane’s f**ourite colour is red.(

rain comes from the water

sunday today

cinema is south of the bank.(


)1、a. yes, i do. b. yes, he does. c. yes, she does.

)2、a. it’s warm. b. it’s cold. c. it’s cool.

)3、a. it’s near the hospital. b. this afternoon. means stop.

)4、a. i’m going to buy a bookb. i go to school on foot.

c. i like collecting stamps.

)5、a. i like diving. b. he likes swimming. c. she likes running.

四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词。(5分)

amy: how to plant a sunflower?

sarah: first, we h**e a sunflowerthen plant it in theput thein the sun. we shouldit often.

next, we can wait for ain several days, we can see a plant with a flower.


) 1. zhang peng is going to visit

a. his grandparentsb. his auntc. classmates

) 2. zhang peng is going by

a. busb. bikec. subway

) 3. mike is going to buy ain the science bookstore.

a. story-bookb. dictionaryc. post card

) 4. zhang peng’s grandparents live next to

a. the science bookstore b. the subway station c. the post office

) 5. mike and zhang peng are going after

a. breakfastb. lunchc. dinner

笔试部分 (60分)

一、 choose the word whose pronunciation is different from others.选出以下单词划线部分发音不同的选项。 (5分)

1. a. treeb. sheap c. tead. red

2. a. pigb. bikec. dishd. big

3. a. getb. mec. bestd. seven

4 catc. fand. apple

5. a. doctor b. actor c. teacher d. shirt

二、 choose the best sentence.选择最佳答句,将其序号填在横线上 (10分)

)1. how do you go to school?

a. i go to school on foot. b. the school is next to the hospital.

c. i am going to the cinema.

)2. what is your hobby?

a. i like ****** kites. b. she goes to work by bus. c. next to the hospital.

)3. turn left at the cinema, thenit’s on the left.

a. our schoolb. go straightc. green light

)4at the red light.

a. stopb. goc. wait

)5. excuse me. where is the cinema?

a. i am a cleaner. b. it’s next to the bookstore. c. i am going outside.

)6. tom’s mother teaches english. what does his mother do?

a. she is a policewoman. b. she is a teacher. c. she goes to work by car.

)7. when does she go to school?

a. she works in beijing. b. she goes to school at 7:30. c. yes, she does.

)8. what are you going to do this afternoon?

a. yes, he does. b. i am going to play football. c. he likes collecting stamps.

)9. does your pen pal work in shanghai?

a. i like divingb. he is tall and strong. c. yes, she does.

)10. where are you going this afternoon?

a. the shoe store. b.

i’m going to the bookstore. c. he is going to visit grandparents.


1、 do, home, how, you, go (?连词成句,注意首字母和标点符号)

2、he is an engineer. (对划线部分提问)

does he

3、the bank is next to the hospital. (对划线部分提问)

is the bank?

4. i am going to the cinema this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)

are you going to the cinema?

5. she goes to work by car. (对划线部分提问)

she go to work?


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