
发布 2024-02-10 09:35:13 阅读 9217


a b c d e

i m n q r


boat festivala、端午节。

festivalb 、中秋节。





) is 125 centimeters

a.tall b.he**y c.old

)2are we going to meet? —anne.

a.who b.what c.where

( )3.there many lights on the ceiling.

a.was b.were c.is

)4.—what are these?

a.it’s a rice dumpling b.it’s rice dumplings

c.these are rice dumplings

)5.— you got enough money?

yes, i h**e.

a.are b.do c.h**e

)6.—will there be he**y rain tomorrow?

a.yes b.no, there won’t

c.yes, there won’t

( )7is dongdong? —he is seven years old.

a.how old b.how c.what

)8.thank you very much

a.you’re welcome b.ok c.never mind

)9.—i’m .—drink some water.

a.cold b.happy c.thirsty

)10.lingling was very interested the book.

a.on b.at c.in


)1、当你想建议别人和你一起去海底世界时,你可以说: 。

a.let’s go to the underwater world.

b.let’s watch a film.

c.let’s go fishing.

( )2、当你想问别人喜欢做什么事情时,你可以说。

a.what are you going to do?

b.what do you like doing?

c.what are these?

( )3、你想知道别人是否会游泳,你应该说。

a.can you swim? b.can you read? c.what are you doing?

)4、圣诞节朋友对你说:merry christmas!你应该说。

a.ok. b.merry christmas. c.thank you.


a.may i borrow your ruler, please?

b、can i h**e a dictionary?

c.h**e you got enough money?


)1.what’s he doinga.yes, it is.

)2.i’m too fat. what can i do? b.peter has fewer pens.

)3.is it interestingc.he is reading.

)4.who has fewer pensd.i’m good at swimming.

) are you good ate.do more exercises.


( )girl likes listening to music.

) river looks like a dragon.

) a has less water than bottle b.

) is going to swim this afternoon.

) will be he**y rain tomorrow.


paul and tom wanted to buy a toy. they went to a toy shop and saw a big plane. it was fifty yuan.

that was too expensive. the children had not enough money and it was too big. they did not buy the plane.

they saw an old car. the car was too old. tom did not like it.

then they saw a robot. it was five yuan. that was cheap enough.

the children liked it and they bought it at once.


) and tom wanted to buy a toy.

) big plane was too expensive.

) didn’t like the old car.

) robot was fifty yuan.

) bought a robot.


2014 2015学年度第二学期期末检测。六年级英语试题。时间 100分钟满分 100分 一 选出每组中划线部分发音不同的一项。10分 1.a.three b.math c.that 2.a.where b.what c.who 3.a.food b.book c.look 4.a.work b.h...


熊庙学区王鹏。一 整体来看。本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动 活泼 主动地学习。小学六年级毕业质量检测英语试卷分析。熊庙学区王鹏。一 整体来看。本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学...


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