
发布 2024-02-10 09:45:13 阅读 6513



g a y o l e r u z i


1. h**e to ( 同义词2. outgoing (反义词)__

3. two (序数词4. south (对应词。

5. will (否定形式6. write (过去时。

7. we’d like(完全形式)__8. easy (反义词)__

9. friend(形容词10. h**e (现在分词。


)1. a. down b. town c. show d、now

)2. a. look b. foot c. cook d、moon

)3. a. photo b. picture c. physics d、phone

)4. a. when b. who c. what d、white

)5. b、try c. tree d. train


1. 打**2. by the sea

3.警官4. and so on

5.一把剪刀6. from now on

7.建立、建造8. tr**el around the world___

9.举行一场运动会___10. think about


( )is umbrella under the bed.

a. a b. an c. /

) are two monkeys the tree.

a. in b. on c. at

) will basketball after school.

a. play b. plays c. playing

)4where is the cinema?

—it is next to the post office.

me b. hello c. sorry

)5.—where are linda and mary?

—they are the seesaw.

a. to b. in c. on

)6.—what are you doing? —i'm english.

a. read b. reads

) green is our english teacher.

he is very friendly us.

a. for b. to c. in

)8.—mother's day is shall we send her?

we'd better her some beautiful flowers.

a. send

)9.—do you like a pear an apple. —a pear.

a. and b. or c. /

) enioy and playing football after school.

a. swim b. to swim c. swimming

) you for___me!

a. h**e c. h**ing

) felt very __when he __in china.

was b. excited was c. excited were

)13.__do you like better,red hat___blue hat?

in b. which on c. which or.

)14is it?--it’s 100 yuan.

many much old

)15.__happy she was!

b. what


your hands before meal, please .(改为否定句)

2.i can see some fish in the river.(改为一般疑问句)

3.there are four books on the desk.(对划线部分提问)

4.they went to the park yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

5.he plays football very well.(改为否定句)

mum bought a mobile phone for me. (改为否定句)

is he?(同义句)

d like a cup of tea. (改为一般疑问句)

math teacher is very kind. (对划线部分提问)

want to be a scientist in the future. (对划线部分提问)


h**e two you give me the __three)one.

2. our class __h**e)a meeting every week.

3. i___win) the 100-meter race yesterday?

5. my parents arefarm).


a nice girl

li ying likes english very much. she works hard( 学习努力). she reads english every morning.

she likes speaking english. she often listens to the radio. she watches tv only on saturday evening.

does she like dancing? no, she doesn’t. but she likes drawing and singing.

her parents like her. and all the teachers and her friends like her, too.


2014 2015学年度第二学期期末检测。六年级英语试题。时间 100分钟满分 100分 一 选出每组中划线部分发音不同的一项。10分 1.a.three b.math c.that 2.a.where b.what c.who 3.a.food b.book c.look 4.a.work b.h...


一 写出下列字母的大 小写形式。10分 a b c d e i m n q r 二 为下列短语选择正确的汉语意思,连线。10分 boat festivala 端午节。festivalb 中秋节。dumplingc 好主意。idead 粽子。poole 游泳池。三 单项选择。30分 is 125 ce...


班级姓名等级。吴家堡镇一0 一一学年度第二学期期末三教堂小学五年级数学检测试题 90分钟 一 填空。1 24的因数中最小的一个是 最大的一个是 2.在1 10各自然数中,既是质数又是偶数的是 既是合数又是奇数的是 3.从 四个数字中任选三个数字组成一个既是2的倍数又是5的倍数的最小三位数是 4.3 ...