小学六年级下英语期末复习试题 1 人教版

发布 2024-02-09 01:25:07 阅读 6217




一、 听音,选出你听到的一项,把编号写在括号里。(5分)

)1. a. paradeb. brightc. played

)2. a. happenedb. he**yc. carry

)3. a. clockb. clownc. clever

)4. a. ate some cotton candy b. sang loudly c. visited relatives

)5. a. sure. i’ll do it now. b. sorry. i’m busy now.

c. i’m proud of you.

二、 听音,给下面的图排上顺序。(5分)

三、 听句子辨单词排序。每个句子含有以下的其中一个单词,按照提示的顺序在单词的括号里标号。(5分)

fun friday grandma him basketball

四、 听句子,判断下列单词是否在句子**现。有出现的,在单词下面的括号里打√,否则打×。(5分)

monday swimming pool notebook poor vegetables

五、 听音,判断你所听到的句子与所给图意是否相符。相符的写t,否则写f。(5分)

六、 听音,选出你听到的问题的最佳答案。(5分)

did my homework. b. because she got a kitten. c. yes, he does.

d. sorry, i’m busy nowe. no, she didn’t.

七、 听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(3分)

)1. we visited myby bus.

a. friendb. unclec. grandparents

)2. we went home in the

a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

)3. in the evening, i

a. did my homework b. cleaned up my room c. studied


1. playgr__ d(操场) 2. b__ 熊) 3. _ever(聪明的)

4. br__ t(明亮的) 5. _eat(伟大的) 6. _ess(连衣裙)


1. i am __because i saw a snake. 2. i __a football game last night.

3. why are you4. he __me a birthday present yesterday.


十、读句子,从括号里所给的a、b中选出正确的选项, 并将其字母编号写在题前括号内。(4分)

)1. what does she h**e to do? she __a. h**e b. has) to push the door.

)2. the room is messy. please put (a. on b. away) the toys.

)3. she’s sad because she (a. failed b. fails) the test.

)4. he (a. made b. is ******) models this morning.


1. i’m excited because i __get) a kitten.

2. tony usually __help) his mother __do) housework.

3. he likes___read) comic books.

4. i __lose) my book yesterday, i must __find)it.


( )1. don’t push. you h**e to __

a. carryb. findc. pull

)2. i’m very hungry. i __eat something.

a. h**e tob. has toc. go

)3. the boy __a pair of sunglasses at the store last week.

a. boughtb. buyc. buys

)4. staying __late is __us.

a. in; bad for b. up; good for c. up; bad for


a. did you find your keys yesterday? b. did you lose your keys yesterday?

c. did you lose your money yesterday?


was scared last sunday because i saw a mouse.

was scared last night because i heard a noise.

was scared last night because i saw a snake.


) are you sada. no, she didn’t.

) did you do eat this morning? b. sure, i’ll carry them later.

) lisa read a book yesterdayc. because i got a poor grade.

) you ever lose your pend. yes, i do.

) you carry the books pleasee. i ate some noodles.


1. went zoo i a friday to last

2. go mary where monday did morning last

3. mountain to are going climb we the tomorrow


1. why was the boy tired? because he

2. what __he do last night? he



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