小学六年级英语期末综合题 1

发布 2024-02-09 01:15:07 阅读 1684



卷首寄语:亲爱的同学,经过六年的快乐学习,你一定有很大收获吧! 现在就让你来大显身手了!



一、listen and choose

i )你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的选项,答案填在括号内。别忘了先浏览选项哦,每个单词读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分)

) 1. a. lamb b. lamp2. a. seem b. seen

3. a. point b. park4. a. nose b. note

) 5. a. lot b. lock6. a. hate b. hat

) 7. a. mark b. meat8. a. way b. boy

9. a. duck b. luck10. a. get b. bet

( ii )你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项,答案填在括号内。别忘了先浏览选项,每小题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分)

) 1. a. dateb. facec. name

) 2. a. playb. platec. plane

) 3. a. theyb. theirc. thank.

) 4. a. thatb. fatc. sat

) 5. a. feetb. fanc. feel

) 6. a. thoseb. dogc. coke

) 7. a. cupb. cutc. cute

) 8. a. darkb. deepc. duck

) 9. a. toyb. toec. mouse

) 10. a. penb. tenc. pants

二、listen and judge


三、listen and choose


) 1. a. i like spring. b. he likes fall

c. jack likes playing basketball.

) 2. a. because i can swim

b. because i can make a snowman.

c. because i can plant a tree.

) 3. a. yes, she did. i amc. no, i didn’t.

) 4. a. it’s colourful. b. it’s very nice. c. it’s 120 yuan.

) 5. a. sure, i’m john. b. sure, please hold on. c. yes, you can.

) 6. a. there are 7. b. they are 3c. there are 12.

) 7. a. yes, he is. b. no, she isn’ he is a doctor.

) 8. a. he is at the office. b. they are teachers. c. they are at home.

) 9. a. he likes collecting stamps. b. he’s tall and strong.

c. yes, he’s tall and strong.

) 10. a. it comes from the vapour. b. it comes from the rain.

c. it comes from the clouds.

四、listen and fill


1. whatis it today? it’s

2. why do you like applesthey’re healthy.

3. my sister often doeson saturdays. sometimes shetv.

4. whatare the goats? they’re

5. what’s thewith mike? mike has a

6. my father is 32 years old. my mother is 2 yearsthan him.

7. look, the tigers arethe monkeys arebananas.

8. jacka bike last weekend. he was so

9. john: i went hikingand you?

tom: ifootball with my friends.

五、listen and judge


) 1is mike’s f**ourite season.

a. spring b. summer c. winter

) 2is mike’s friend.

a. john b. bobc. tom

) 3. mike planted a tree on

a. huangqi mountain b. zhongshan park c. qinshui park

) 4. mike will go to bob’s home

a. on foot b. by taxi c. by bus

) 5. bob’s home isof the cinema.

a. west b. eastc. north


六、read and choose


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