
发布 2024-02-01 06:55:06 阅读 5268

单词:month(months), small, cute, hair, short, her, eye(eyes), big, pretty, long, handsome, black, meet, head, tail, green, turtle(turtles), mouth, catch, fly(flies), summer, holiday, beach, sea, famous, park(parks), photo(photos), during, plane(planes), enjoy, everyone, spend, stay, countryside, pick, healthy, unhealthy, hamburger(hamburgers), sandwich(sandwiches), pie, pizza, cola, milk, fruit, meat, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bread, egg(eggs), apple(apples), vegetables, water, fish, chicken, a little, candy, ice cream, chocolate, fat, neighbour(neighbours), writer, teacher, son, daughter, sometimes, weekend, home, owl, rabbit, live, tree, noisy, sleep, tired, angry, many, panda(pandas), thousand, hundred, wild, baby(babies), e-friend(e-friends), country(countries), any, some, other, football, team(teams), book(books), film(films), family(families), hobby(hobbies), nurse, pilot, student, grade, subject(subjects), maths, music, sing, play, read

短语:two months old两个月大, one year old一岁, primary school小学, junior high school初中, be born出生, look around四处看, summer holiday暑假, go swimming游泳, the great wall长城, the palace museum故宫, tian’an men square天安门广场, go back to回到, h**e a good time度过愉快时光, stay with和……呆在一起, pick apples摘苹果, by plane乘坐飞机, be important to对……很重要, play sport做运动, play chess下国际象棋, make noise制造噪音, stop+ doing停止做……,dig a hole挖洞, h**e an idea有好主意, in the past在过去, in danger处于危险,濒临灭绝, south china tiger华南虎, blue whale蓝鲸, work with和……工作, on the way to...在去……的路上, take care of照顾, one day有一天, go for a walk散步, drive away赶走, learn a lot学了很多, grow up长大, send back to...

送回……,three years later三年后, talk about讨论……,know about了解……,wear glasses戴眼镜, play table tennis打乒乓球, write back回信。

语法:1. 一般过去时态。

时间状语:yesterday,lastweek,anhourago(一个小前),theotherday(不久前的一天),justnow(刚才),onceuponatime(从前),in 1979(在1979年),intheolddays(在过去的日子里)等。


1) 直接ed 例:visit---visited pick---picked watch---watched work---worked

2) 以“e”结尾,直接d 例:live---lived die---died s**e---s**ed

3) 以辅音+y 结尾,把y变为ied;

以元音+y 结尾,直接ed 例:play---played enjoy---enjoyed stay---stayed


is/ am --was are---were go---went spend---spent h**e---had do---did east---ate drink---drank see---saw meet---met make---made dig---dug find---found take---took drive---drove grow---grew learn---learnt/ learned send---sent



例:she was tired.(变为否定句) she wasn't tired.


注意:be(was/were)动词变为大写,句尾为问号。 i was变为 were you,my 变为your

例:lily was tired.(变为一般疑问句) was lily tired?

i was happy.(变为一般疑问句) were you happy?

肯否定回答:用谁问,用谁答。 yes 和no放句首,否定记得加not.

注意:回答都变为人称代词, were you变为i was

例:was he tired? yes, he was. no, he wasn’t.

was lily tired? yes, she was. no, she wasn’t.

were you happy? yes, i was. no, i wasn’t.


否定句:在主语的后面didn't,动词变为原形, some变为any

例:she went to the park yesterday.(变为否定句) she didn’t go to the park yesterday.

一般疑问句:将did放在句首, 语序不变,动词变为原形。

注意:句尾为问号。 i变为you,my 变为your,some变为any

例:i ate some hamburgers yesterday.(变为一般疑问句) did you eat any hamburgers yesterday?

alice saw a film last week.(变为一般疑问句) did alice see a film last week?

肯否定回答:用谁问,用谁答。 yes 和no放句首,否定记得加not.


例:did alice see a film last week? yes, she did. no, she didn’t.

did you eat any hamburgers yesterday? yes, i did. no, i didn’t.


1) 根据画线部分选择特殊疑问词。

what---东西/ 事物/ 事情 when---时间 who---人 where---地点。

how---形容词/ 方式。

2) 去掉划线部分。

3) 剩下部分变为一般疑问句。

例: i went to beijing by plane last year. (对划线部分提问)

how did you go to beijing last year?

2. 表示数量的词修饰可数名词与不可数名词。

修饰不可数名词:a little(一点), some(一些), much(很多), a lot of/ lots of(很多)

修饰可数名词: a few(一点), some(一些), many(很多), a lot of/ lots of(很多)

3. should+动词原形,表示应该做某事。

4. stop+ 动词ing形式,表示停止做某事。

5. on与in 的区别。

长在树上的用介词on, 外部落在树上的用介词in

例: a bird is singing in the tree. there are many apples on the tree.

6. hundred/ thousand 用法。

基数词+hundred/ thousand +名词复数例: three thousand tigers

thousand 与 hundred 之间没有介词and 例:3400 three thousand four hundred

3450 three thousand four hundred and fifty

hundreds of 成百上千的

thousands of 成千上万的。

7. let’s = let us 后面接动词原形,表示让我们一起……

8. would you like to do sth. 你愿意做某事吗?

回答:yes, i’d like to. no, i wouldn’t.

i’d like to do sth. 我想做……

9. some/ any 用法。


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