
发布 2024-02-01 05:55:06 阅读 8611


) 1、当你想要询问别人的生日是什么时候时,应该如何问:

a when do you h**e breakfast? b when is your birthday?

( )2、打**时说:“我是小明”。该如何说:

a i am xiaoming. b this is xiaoming .


a which season do you like best? b what are you doing now ?


a my birthday is on january first. b my birthday is in january first.

( )5“你正在做什么?”如何表达:

a what are you doing? b what do you do ?

( )6 what is your father doing ?如何回答:

a he is writing a letter. b he is a teacher.


a what is he doingb what is she doing?

( )8、“你想问今天是几号”该如何说:

a what time is it ? b what’s the date today? day is it today?


a when is children’s day? b when is new year’s day?

)10 are they eating the honey?肯定回答:

a no, they aren’t. b yes, they are

)11. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:

a. do you like the green car? b.

what is the car like? c. i’m looking for a green car.

)12. 当你想知道别人会不会堆雪人时,问:

a. can you make a snowman? b. can you ride a bike? c. can you play in the snow?

)13. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:

a. i’d like a cup of tea. b. would you like a glass of tea? h**e a cup of tea?

)14. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:

a. where is the new tv? b. what’s a tv? c. what colour is the new tv?

)15. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:

b. do you h**e a piano? c. may i use your piano?

)16. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:

a. do you like swimming? b. do you like running? c. do you like pingpong?

)17. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:

a. whose are these? b. whose are those? c. who are they?

)18. —can you___your room?


a. cleanb. emptyc. cook

)19. —whose ruler is it?

maybe it’s

a. peterb. petersc. mary’s

)20do you do on the weekend ?

i often play football.

a. whatb. whenc. where

( )21. 当你要了解别人会不会游泳时,问:

a. do you like swimming?b.can you swim?

c. i like swimming.

) 22. 当你想知道这星期六的天气如何时,问:

a. it’s saturday today. bwhat does the saturday like?

c. what is the weather like this saturday?

) 23. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:

a. where is the eraser? b. where is the pen? c. where is it from?

)24、what___he do on sundays?

a、do b、does c、is

)25、what___you like for lunch?

a、are b、would c、does

)26、how many people are there __your family?

a、in b、on c、with

)27、what do you h**e___monday?

a、in b、on c、with

)28、tom __fish very much.

a、like b、likes c、liking

)29、i like apples very much,__they’re sweet.

a、but b、and c、because

)30、__time is it now?

a、how b、what c、when

)31、what do you do on sundays? i

a、play violin b、play the violin c、plays the violin

)32、it’s time __lunch.

a、for b、to c、for h**e

)33、is she___university student?

a、 a b、the c、an

)34.--are there any __in the park ?


a. panda/ there are b. pandas /there are c. pandas /there aren’t

)35.--is your father?

he’s a driver.

a. who c. where

) today .put on your t-shirt .

a. cold c. sunny

二。 从b栏中找出适合a栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。

ab )1. what does he doa. she is washing clothes.

)2. what does she dob. he is old and fat.

)3. what is your bedroom likec. she is a nurse.

)4. what is he liked. he is a doctor.

)5. where is your mother doinge. it’s long and black.


1. it’s在…旁边)the hospital.

2. i’d like some___牛奶)and __鱼)for lunch.

3. my grandfather is___年老的)and __和蔼的)

4. i usually go to bed at __九) o’clock.

5. i like that __蓝色的)dress. it’s pretty.

6. we h**e __体育)and英语)on tuesday.


1. computer you a use can ?


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