
发布 2024-01-30 15:00:02 阅读 9187


1. 图:看电视 2. 图:小女孩看书 3. 图:小男孩骑马。

4. 图:打扫房间 5. 图:打羽毛球。


) 1. a. old b. tall c. smaller

) 2. a. year b. month c. tomorrow

) 3. a. park b. bike c. plane

) 4. a. saw b. ate c. buy

) 5. a. metres b. size c. kilograms


) 1. your feet are bigger than

a. my b. mine c. me

) 2. i stayed at home and

a. sleep b. sleeped c. slept

) 3. there weren’tcomputers at all.

a. any b. lot of c. some

) 4. i was short, so iride my bike well.

a. wasn’t b. couldn’t c. don’t

) 5. i had a cold

a. now b. last night c. tomorrow


1. let’s go by bus, it’sthan walking.

2. i fell off my bike andmy foot.

3. in the morning wea bike for three people.

4. iit up on the internet.

5. there areelephants over there.


1. my brother ishe**y) then me.

2. mikewash) his clothes last weekend.

3. ih**e) a cold yesterday.

4. ibuy) lot of gifts for my friends over my holiday.

5. thereis)no library in my old school.


1. we went camping last weekend.

2. i go cycling every day.

3. we saw a film last sunday.

4. john is stronger than mary.

5. the giraffe is taller then the horse.




1. how did you go there? 图:乘飞机。

2. how old are you? 图:小女孩吹生日蜡烛,蛋糕上有10根蜡烛。

3. what did you do yesterday? 图:小男孩钓鱼。

4. did you went boating last weekend? 图:小男孩划船。

5. where did you go last saturday? 图:小女孩去动物园。


1. how was the beacha. size 8.

2. what did you seeb. i’m 145 metres.

3. how did you changec. i saw a rabbit.

4. how tall are youd. it was beautiful.

5. what size are your shoes? e. before i was quiet, now i’m active.


i went to a farm with my sister.

we picked apples.

yes, we did.

sure.your sister is thinner than you. 5

she is 47 kilograms.

wow, so beautiful!


i’m john. i’m thirteen years old. i h**e a good friend.

his name is peter. he is two years older than me. i’m taller and stronger than him.

we often play together. yester we went to the forest park. we went there by bus.

before there was no lake, now there is a big lake in the park. we went swimming and went boating. we ate fresh food and drank juice in the forest park.

we were very happy. we went home at 4 o’clock.

1. peter is eleven years old.

2. john is taller and stronger than peter.

3. yesterday we went to the forest park.

4. before there was no mountain, now there is a big mountain in the park.

5. we went swimming and went boating.

答案。一、1. watched tv 2.

read a book 3. rode a horse 4. cleaned my room 5.

played badminton



四、 五、1. he**ier 2. washed 3. had 4. bought 5. was


七、1. i went there by plane.

2. i’m ten years old.

3. i went fishing yesterday.

4. yes, we did.

5. we went to the park.





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