
发布 2023-12-09 08:10:11 阅读 7121







( )1. s__nd (派。送) a. a b. e c. i

) 2 .pl__ce(地点) a. a b. e c. u

) 3. _ch (每一a. whi b. ea c. e

) 4. h__d (努力的) b. o c. ar

) 5. sp__k (说) a. ae

) 6. w__t (等待

) 7. ca__y (背。运。扛) a. rr

) 8. th__ty (三十) c. irs

) 9. t__n (转弯) b. ar c. ur

)10. l___rn (学习)


) a. may i borrow your bikea. i can see thirty.

) b. is there a cinema near the factory? b. it’s a cow.

) c. how many pens can you seec. no, it’s not mine.

) d. is this watch yoursd. certainly.

) e. what’s under the treee. no, there is a hospital.


a. useful b. doctor c. homework d. stars e. happy

1. there are manyin the sky.

2. they are collectingthings.

3. they did a good job today. they are very

4. he is ahe works in a hospital.

5. he wants me to help him do his


)1. 墙。

) 2. 轻的wrong b. light

) 3. 小时。

) 4. 星期四thursday

) 5. 早餐morning b. breakfast

) 6. 问题askb. question

) 7. 天空skirtb. sky

) 8. 五十 fifty

) 9. 我的a.

) 10 . 人们a.


( )1. he worksa farm.

a. inb. onc. at

( )2. -thank you very much!

a. thank you! b. don’t say thanks c. you’re welcome.

( )3. go down this street. you can see the school

a. at the end b. on the end c. at end

( )4bird are these?

they are ours.

a. what b. which c. whose

( )5. it’sit’s time for breakfast.

a. three thirty b. seven twenty c. twelve forty


mrs song wants to open her new shop but the signs are not ready. she asks bob to help her. bob goes to the shop at seven o’clock.

he puts up all the sings. then he opens the shop.

nobody comes to the shop all day. at six o’clock bob goes into the street. he asks a boy to come in.

“oh, i thought your shop was closed. look at this sign. it says “ closed”.

”the boy says.

“now. i know why nobody comes into the shop. the sing is in the wrong place.

” bob says. “quick! here comes mrs song!

i must change the sings.”

1. mrs song doesn’t open her shop.(

2. bob comes to the shop to help mrs song. (

3. bob puts the sing in the wrong place. (

4. the shop makes no money on the first day. (

5. mrs song is silly. (


( )1. 我可以问你一个问题吗?

a. may i h**e your number? b. may i ask you a question?

) 2. 你不能向右转弯。

a. you can’t turn left. b. you mustn’t turn right.

) 3. 打扰一下, 请问,这儿附近有动物园吗?

a. excuse me, is there a zoo near here?

b. sorry, is there a zoo near here?

) 4. 这只猫是她的吗?

a. is this cat hers? b. is this hers cat?

) 5. 我在一家医院工作。

a. i work in a hospital. b. i work in a post office.

) 6. 现在是七点三十五分。

a. it’s six forty-five. b. it’s seven thirty-five.

) 7. 在星期二,我们有两节英语课。

a. we h**e two english lessons on tuesday.

b. we h**e three english lessons on thursday.

) 8. 你的农场上有多少头猪?

a. how many pigs are there on your farm?


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