疑问附加语 isn't it
"john is smart, isn't it?"
这个疑问句里的附加语(question tag)对吗?如果是不对的话,错在**?
在公共场所或办公室里,只要稍为留心,不难听到“ isn't it ? 这个附加语。这种疑问句是英文几种疑问句中的一种,主要的用途在强制答话人提供问话人心目中的答案。
肯定叙述句(affirmative statement)+否定附加语(见例 ①及②)
否定叙述句(negative statement)+肯定附加语(见例③及 ④)
①mary is happy, isn't she?
②they will come, won't they?
③mary isn't sad, is she?
④they won't come, will they?
此外,附加语中的代名词(pronoun)和助动词(auxiliary verb)必须和叙述句中的相符。
⑤you could hardly expect him to help you, can you?
⑥the minister will talk about regional cooperation, wouldn't he ?
⑦the clerks are working hard, don't they?
⑧betty won't be a sportswoman, can she?
“isn't it”的滥用。
最常见的错误来自“isn't it”的滥用,如:
⑨jason likes this book very much , isn't it?
⑩she can sing well, isn't it?
team won, isn't it?
singaporeans h**e become achievement - oriented , isn't it?
our teachers are dedicated, isn't it?
will go shopping on sunday, isn't it?
⑨jason likes this book very much, doesn't he?
⑩she can sing well, can't she?
team won, didn't it?
singaporeans h**e become achievement - oriented, h**en't they?
our teachers are dedicated, aren't they?
will go shopping on sunday, won't they?
" lsn't it ? 在下列3个句子中才是正确的用法:
is fine today, isn't it?
story book is interesting, isn't it?
is worthwhile learning a second language well, isn't it?
现在再看看“john is smart , isn't it ?”错在**。很明显的,错在附加语里的代名词:应该是“he ”,不是“it”,全句如下:
john is smart, isn't he?
仁人教育。swift的高级语法其中包括 函数,闭包,枚举,结构体,属性 成员变量 函数 成员方法 角标 subscript 继承。1.函数。1.1funcfuncnmae 这样就定义了一个函数,它的参数为空,返回值为空,如果有参数和返回值直接写在两个括号里就可以了。1.2参数需要指明类型,而如果没有...
仁人教育。swift高级语法学习总结。swift的高级语法其中包括 函数,闭包,枚举,结构体,属性 成员变量 函数 成员方法 角标 subscript 继承。1.函数。1.1funcfuncnmae 这样就定义了一个函数,它的参数为空,返回值为空,如果有参数和返回值直接写在两个括号里就可以了。1.2...
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