人教版高一必修3复习 有答案

发布 2023-05-21 08:59:28 阅读 4703

1. 端午节开始是为纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈原而庆祝的。

the dragon boat festival _was_ first _celebrated_ _in__ memory__ of__ the great patriot poet qu yuan.

2. 这封信让我记起她以前说过的话。

this letter _reminded_ me __of_ what she __had__ said_ before.

3. 很显然,那个小孩把蛋糕吃了,他嘴上还覆盖着些奶油。

_it_ _was__ obvious__ that the child had eaten the cake, as his mouth __was__ covered_ _with_ cream.

4. 自行车选手们冲得很快,好像他们可以飞起来。

the cyclists raced so fast __as__ if/ though_ they __could_ fly.

5. 在战争中,数以百计的人饿死。

during the war, millions of people _died_ _of__ hunger___或starved to death / died of starvation

unit 2

翻译:1. 我喜欢阅读,但我讨厌写读书报告。

i enjoy _reading_, but i _am_ _tired__ of__ writing a review afterwards.

2. 不是很多罪犯能逃脱罪行。

not many criminals _get _ away_ _with_ their crimes

3. 约翰样宠物以摆脱孤独。

keeping a pet helped john _get__ rid__ of_ his _loneliness__.

4. 如果你做这样的事,会让每个人都笑话你的。

you would _h**e_ everyone _laughing_ _at_ you if you did such a thing.

5. 你不应该把收据扔掉。

you shouldn’t h**e __thrown___away___the receipt.

unit 3

翻译:1. 你打算怎么处理那个摔破的花瓶?

how are you going to _deal with___the broken vase?

what_ are you going to do _with__ the broken vase?

2. 我敢跟你打赌,我们队一定能赢球。

i dare _make a bet_ with you _that_ our team will surely win the football game.

3. 他看起来是愉快的,但实际上身体很差。

he appears to be happy but _as a matter of fact_ he suffers _from_ bad health.

4. 我正要把好消息告诉妈妈,这时,我看到爸爸给我使眼色。

i _was about to_ tell my mother the good news when i saw father _winking_ (wink) at me.

5. 即使是一名有经验的爬山好手也会在这座累人的山丘上碰到麻烦。

even an _experienced_ (experience) climber can _get into trouble_ with such a punishing hill.

unit 4

翻译:1. 既然你已经长大了,你可以尝试独立生活。

now that you h**e grown up_, you may try to live independently.

2. 他今晚是否来要视他今晚有没有空而定。

_whether_ he can come tonight _depends__ on _whether_ he is free.

3. 人们觉得自己越来越富裕了,但却没有以前过得那么幸福。

people think they h**e become _richer_ and _richer_, but live not __so__ happy _a__ life _as_ before.

4. 随着年龄的增大,她对文学的兴趣渐浓。

_as she grew older_, she got interested in literature.

5. 如果你现在不出发,我认为你将不能准时赶到。

if you _are_ not _to__ set_ off, i didn’t think _it__ possible _for_ you __to_ get there on time.

unit 5

1. 这部电视连续剧受到了孩子和家长们地欢迎。

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