
发布 2021-05-19 06:46:28 阅读 5363

unit 1 festivals around the world

doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事 mean sb.

to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作…用 2. take place 发生;举行 take the place of sb= be in place of sb 替代某人

all kinds各种各样的 to death饿死 be starved of sth. 缺乏 starve for sth / starve to do 渴望 satisfied with感到满意 to one’s satisfaction感到满意是。6.

in memory of / in honor of . 纪念某人。

7. do harm to sb. =do sb. harm =be harmful to sb. 伤害某人 the shape of呈…的形状

sth.(to sb.) award sth.) 给予, 颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因。奖赏某人

sb. with sth.用某物酬劳某人 up打扮,化装 11.

admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 forward to期望, 期待 13. h**e fun with sb.

玩得开心, 过得快乐 =h**e a good time = enjoy oneself. 14. turn up.

来, 出现; 把音量开大些 15. keep one’s word 守信用 16. break one’s word 失信

17. set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)** 18. remind sb. of sth. 提醒, 使想起。

remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 19. forgive sb (for) sth 原谅某人某事 forgiving adj. 宽容的

20. apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉

unit 2 healthy eating

healthy diet健康饮食 a balanced diet平衡的饮食 different way用另外方式 often最经常 frustrated感到沮丧 lunchtime到午餐时间 h**e happened一定发生过

tired of 厌倦 amazed at sth. 对。感到惊奇 9. throw away扔掉 get away with逃脱

10. get across(使)被理解 get rid of 摆脱, 除掉 get over 克服 get through 完成;花光;接通**

get down to doing sth 着手做… lies说谎 food提供热量的食物

body-building foods提供营养的食物 fit保持精力旺盛 some research into做一些。方面的研究 one’s living谋生 in debt负债 at怒视 stare at 凝视 round绕过。

on在暗中侦察;打探 sb.使。不安 be upset=be unhappy than而不是。

ill感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心 about聊起关于 long不久。

down减少 cut in插嘴,打断 26. build up one’s strengthen增强实力 27. be limited to sth受限制于…

set a limit to sth 对…规定限度 go beyond /over the limit 超过限度 within the limits of…在。范围内

28. not…h**e sb doing不允许某人做h**e sb do 让某人做h**e sth done 让别人做某事。

h**e sth to do 有些事情要做 h**e sth to be done 有些事情需要别人做。


unit 1 festivals around the world

1. mean 的用法。

1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”,其主语通常是指事物的词。

2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。

3). mean sb. to do sth. “打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构。

4). mean 后接名词、副词或从句, “表示;打算;存心”等意思;后接that 从句,意为“表示……”

5). be meant for “打算给予;打算作……用”。

in some parts of london, missing a bus means __for another hour.

a. waiting b. to wait c. wait d. to be waiting

2. take place 发生;举行 (不能用于被动语态中!)

the performance didn’t take place after all. 演出终于没有进行。

was there anybody passing by when the accident took place? 事故发生时,有人路过那里吗?


in the first place (用于列举理由)首先,第一点in the last place 最后。

in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想 in place 放在原来的位置,就位。

in place of 代替,用……而不用take one’s place 找替某人接替某人的位置。

3. of all kinds 各种各样的。

相关归纳:all kinds of 各种各样的the same kind of 相同种类的

different kinds of 不同种类的this/that kind of 这(那)种 a kind of 某种。

1 that kind of question is very difficult to answer.= questions of that kind are difficult to answer.

2 we sell all kinds of shoes.= we sell shoes of all kinds.

you can see different kinds of animals in the zoo.

you can see animals of different kinds in the zoo. 你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物。


books of this kind __sell) well in the bookstore.

this kind of books __sell) well in the bookstore.

4. starve v. 挨饿; 饿死

he said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。

5. plenty n. 富裕。

days/years/..of plenty 富裕的日子/年月

如:you h**e a life of plenty, what would you be worried about?

plenty pron. 大量; 充足。

plenty of可修饰可数名词和不可数名词, 用于陈述句。

如: you needn’t hurry. there is plenty of time left. 你不必慌忙, 剩下的时间很充足。

taking plenty of exercise every day keeps you healthy. 每天多运动会使你身体健康。

6. 1) satisfy vt. 满足,使…满意; satisfy sb. satisfied a. 感到满意的; be satisfied with

satisfying a. 令人愉快的 satisfaction n. 满意; to one’s satisfaction

satisfactorily ad. 满意地 satisfactory a. 令人满意的。


unit 1 festivals around the world doing sth.意味着 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作 用 2.take place 发生 举行 take the plac...


unit 1 festivals around the world doing sth.意味着 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作 用 2.take place 发生 举行 take the plac...


unit 1 festivals around the world doing sth.意味着 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作 用 2.take place 发生 举行 take the plac...