
发布 2021-04-18 20:06:28 阅读 3359


時間句型。1) i felt bad the first time i talked to a group.

2) i will not le**e here until he comes back.

3) it will be a long time before he comes back.

4) once you try it, you will love it.

5) i was in the classroom when he arrived.

6) i arrived while he was playing tennis.

7) as time goes by, we h**e known each other much better.

8) it is the first time that he has turned to her for help.

9) it was the second time that he had broken the windows.

10) i had hardly realized the warning when i was hit by the stick.

i had no sooner realized the warning than i was hit by the stick.

11) as soon as ..the moment...directly/ immediately

12). it is (about /high) time that sb. did sth.是某人该做某事的时候了。

it is time for sb. to do sth.


1).all not = not all; some but not all .一些,但不是全部。

not all the boys left.(=only some of them left)

everybody not…./not everybody

both …not…./not …both…

2).完全否定 nothing, none,neither


everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.

no matter where they looked, nearly everything was destroyed.

虛擬語氣。1. is (about/high) time that we did (should do ) sth

b. i would rather that you did sth

c. i wish that you did sth.

d. as if / though

1) he looks as if/though he were an artist as he has such long hair. but in fact he is a beggar.

2) look at the dark clouds! it seems as if /though it is going to rain.

与事实不符或相反,谓语动词用虚拟语气, 与事实相符或有可能发生, 用本来相应的时态。

2. 在suggest, insist, order,demand, request, command, propose, desire 等动词后做宾语从句时,表示欲望,建议,命令等时,用虚拟语气。

he suggested that she (should) go to visit her sick friend.

his suggesting was that she (should) go to visit her sick friend.

insist当“坚持认为”解时,不用虚拟语气,而用本来时态(he insisted that he was right.);当“坚决要求,硬要”解,它后面的宾语从句才用虚拟语气[he insisted that he (should) be given the chance.];insist on doing sth.

suggest:意思为表明, 暗示时从句的谓语用本来时态。her tired face suggested that she had worked too hard.


that’ s what we looked like.

that’ s how we looked

插入語。do you think, do you suppose, do you believe, do you guess, do you imagine, do you expect等插入成份杂句子中与特殊疑问词连用时,句子用陈述语气。

even if、even though句型。

even if与even though近义,但是even if引出的从句是把握不大或者假设的事情,而even though引出的从句是事实。

強調句。1)强调句型:it is/was +被强调部分(除谓语外的各种句子成分)+that (who)+句子的其余部分;

2). 一般情况下,强调句的时态(即it is或was…)与主句的时态一致;

3).如果被强调部分是人,可以用who或 that,其他用that。

4)被强调部分是表示原因的句子时,该从句只能用 because引导,不能用as, since, for等;

毫無疑問…there is no doubt that he will come.

there is no doubt about his coming.

there is some doubt whether/ if he will come.

it is without / beyond doubt that he will come.

i don’t doubt that he will come.

i doubt whether / if he will come.

i feel doubtful whether / if he will come.

倒裝句。1. only + adverbial

2. not only…. never / nor/seldom/ rarely/ hardly...

3. in front of the house stands a tree.

情態動詞 一般式: 针对现在或将来might/ may/ must/ do (be);can/ could do (be) ;

would do ;should do (be)

完成式: 针对过去might/ may/ must h**e done;can/ could do (be) h**e done;

should h**e done;would h**e done


表示现阶段正在进行的动作(说话时该动作不一定正在进行);表示按计划或者安排要发生的动作,这种用法仅限于少数动词: arrive, come, go, start, le**e, stay, move等( bob is going with me to beijing tomorrow.);与副词always, constantly, forever等连用,表达赞成,厌烦,生气等情感。

( he is always changing his mind.)


1) 表示状态的动词: look, seem, h**e, belong to, own等。

2) 表示心理状态的动词:understand, believe, know, remember, see, suppose, hope等。

3) 表示一次性动作的动词:accept, admit, decide, promise, receive, refuse等。

4) 表示衡量的动词:measure, weigh, cost, value 等。

完成時:表示短暂性动作的动词,如marry, die, come, buy, accept, refuse等,用完成时态时不能与for, since等表示一段时间的状语连用。





3、主句有不定代词all, some, any, nothing, something, nobody等时。

4、主句有which, who时。


6、先行词有very, only修饰时。





1) as and which(which只能用於句中,as句首句中皆可用)

as is known to us, he will go to the army soon.

he will go to the army, as / which is known to us.

2) the same …that… ;the same …as …

3) such …as … 定语从句;such …that… 状语从句。

i h**e never seen such a movie as this one (is)

this movie is so interesting that we all like watching it.

4) this is the baby girl whom (who) she looks after.

定语从句和强调句型的判断方法:若将句中的“it is/was”和“that/who”去掉,而句子不缺成分,结构完整,说明原句是强调句型;若句子结构不完整,则说明原句为定语从句。



1 表示开始、结束的动词:open, close, begin, end, finish, start etc.

2 表示状态的连系动词:sound, look, seem, prove, taste, appear, feel, smell+形容词或分词。

3. 表示主语的某种属性特征的动词:wash, sell, read, clean, write, dry etc.

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