高一英语必修1 4词汇复习练习

发布 2021-05-19 06:48:28 阅读 7663

unit i friendship ( book 1 )

. 将下列汉语单词或短语翻译成英语:

1. 心烦意乱的2. 忽视3. 担忧,涉及。

4. 在户外5. 打雷6. 窗帘。

7. 能力,权力8. 痊愈,恢复9. 高速公路。

10. 遭受11. 与…相处12. 记下,写下。

13. 一系列的14. 故意15. 参加。

16. 为了17. 经历18. 平静下来。

ii. 将下列英语单词或短语翻译成汉语:

19. dislike20. no longer21. loose

22. get tired of23. h**e got to24. add up

25. pack sth up26. entire27. disagree


1. the meeting isentire) successful.

2. russia used to be a verypower) country.

3. as is known to allgerman) is a european country.

4. there are many trees on thesouth) bank of the river.

5. the doctoradvice) him not to smoke, but he didn’t listen.

6. “when will you finishdo) your homework?” mother asks tom.

7. the book on the desk is covered withdusty).

8. i don’t think you are right, iagree) with you.

9. he has become colorless because ofangry).

10luck), she passed the math exam, though she had been ill for a month.

iv. 用介词或副词填空。

1. they fell in loveeach other at first sight.

2. i am grateful to you __your help.

3. she must be in the office __the moment.

4. the young teacher is popularhis students.

5. the student is good __playing basketball.

6. how are you getting alongyour naughty brother?

7. do you know the reason __his coming late to class?

8. make a list __all the things you need to do.

9. don’t you believe that he has gone __the war?

10. recently a series __traffic accidents h**e happened in the street.

11. sorry, i didn’t do it __purpose.

12. in order __earn enough money, he works very hard.

13. you h**e to set __what the teacher says in the class.

14. could you please speak to me face __face?

15. i don’t know why she had to hide __for such a long time.

unit ii english around the world ( book 1 )

. 将下列汉语单词或短语翻译成英语:

1. 本国的2. 实际上3.流利的。

4. 东方的5. 请求6. 频繁的。

7. 闪电8. 直接9. 出租车。

10. 辨认出11. 扮演一个惧色12. 利用。

13. 现在14. 走近15. 因为。

16. 例如。

ii. 将下列英语单词或短语翻译成汉语:

17. elevator18. petrol19. voyage

20. vocabulary21. gradual

22. apartment23. spanish24. expression

identity27. block

iii. 词类转换:结合所给句子语境,把括号中所给词的适当形式填空:

1. john quickly g**e the correctspell).

2. i want some tips on how to understandspeak) english well.

3. we believestrong) that our country will become better and better.

4. heactual) expected me to pay for his ticket.

5. many people suffered fromculture) shock when they went abroad.

6. chinese is theoffice) language of china.

7. maybe the best way to learn a foreign language is to communicate with thenation) speakers.

8. facialexpress) is a kind of body language.

9. if i was given a chance, i would much like to go to spain and meet thespain) people there.

iv. 用介词或副词填空。

1. you’d better make full use __your time.

2. you will find the hospital __the end of the road.

3. the church is close __the hospital.

4. we h**e friends all __the world.

5. as everybody knows, china has the largest number __people.

6. _the 1980s, he went to america.

7. please pay attention __the difference between the two words.

8. some people don’t like to go to work __underground.

9. the headmaster plays an important part __the good running of the school.

10. are you interested __english?

11. this skirt is differentthat one.


期末复习练习3 运动的描述 匀变速直线运动规律 1 关于参考系的描述中,正确的是 a.参考系必须是和地面连在一起的物体。b.被研究的物体必须沿与参考系的连线运动。c.参考系必须是正在做匀速直线运动的物体或是相对于地面静止的物体。d.参考系是为了研究物体的运动而假定为不动的那个物体。2 下列各运动中的...


unit 1 festivals around the world doing sth.意味着 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作 用 2.take place 发生 举行 take the plac...


unit 1 festivals around the world doing sth.意味着 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作 用 2.take place 发生 举行 take the plac...