北语18春《大学英语》 二 作业

发布 2023-05-19 03:13:28 阅读 8803

(单选题) 1: a large part of human activity, particulaly in relation to the enviornment, is __conditions or events.

a: in response to

b: in f**or of

c: in contrast to

d: in excess of


单选题) 2: he considered it his good __to h**e won her love.

a: prospect

b: fortune

c: opportunity

d: chance


单选题) 3: my 5-year-old daughter is really __she can remember everything taught to her.

a: active

b: intelligent

c: lively

d: intellectual.


单选题) 4: a good teacher must know how to __his ideas.

a: convey

b: consult

c: display

d: confront


单选题) 5: there is little chance that mankind would __a nuclear war.

a: retain

b: edure

c: survive

d: maintain


单选题) 6: she __the child for being late to school.

a: scolded

b: blamed

c: accused

d: criticized


单选题) 7: bob tried in vain to trick his little brother __some money from their mother’s purse.

a: to steal

b: to stealing

c: into steal

d: into stealing


单选题) 8: my driving was suspended for __a red light.

a: ignoring

b: neglecting

c: overlooking

d: disregarding


单选题) 9: i move that he __discharged for his serious mistake.

a: beb: is to be

c: will

d: being


单选题) 10: in britain today women __44% of the workforce and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

a: build up

b: make up

c: stand for

d: conform to


单选题) 11: we had met on a __occasion.

a: before

b: present

c: previous

d: pretentious


单选题) 12: the two boys had so __in common that they soon became good friends.

a: little

b: few

c: much

d: many


单选题) 13: after a long walk on a hot day, one often feels __

a: exhaustive

b: exhausting

c: exhaust

d: exhausted


单选题) 14: unfortunately, very few sheep __the severe winter last year.

a: survived

b: endured

c: spent

d: remained alive


单选题) 15: i can’t get (a) my cat started (b) now. something (c) must h**e gone wrongly (d) with the engine.


a: get

b: started

c: something

d: gone wrongly


单选题) 16: dr. nolen was honest enough (a) to admit to make (b) errors in (c) judging on (d) more than one occasion.


a: honest enough

b: to make

c: ind: on


单选题) 17: knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its __

a: instance

b: character

c: items

d: details


单选题) 18: as you h**e seen, the value of nation’s currency is a __of its economy.

a: reaction

b: response

c: reflection

d: revelation


单选题) 19: there was once an __idea that the earth was flat and motionless.

a: absurd

b: intrinsic

c: eternal

d: offensive


单选题) 20: man must stop __the earth’s atmosphere.

a: polluting

b: filling

c: emitting

d: wasting


单选题) 21: tom __to review his lessons before exams.

a: went out his way

b: went out of his way

c: went of his way

d: went out of a way


单选题) 22: when presented with the first price, she __with delight.

a: beamed

b: laughed

c: cried

d: smiled


单选题) 23: here are some toys. you can __one or two for you little son as a gift from me.

a: single out

b: pick out

c: take out

d: work out


单选题) 24: in australia the asians make their influnce __in business large and small.

a: feeling

b: feel

c: felt

d: to be felt


单选题) 25: as soon as they arrived in the town they went out to __

a: exploit

b: expose

c: explore

d: scan


单选题) 1: a large part of human activity, particulaly in relation to the enviornment, is __conditions or events.

a: in response to

b: in f**or of

c: in contrast to

d: in excess of


单选题) 2: he considered it his good __to h**e won her love.

a: prospect

b: fortune

c: opportunity

d: chance


单选题) 3: my 5-year-old daughter is really __she can remember everything taught to her.

a: active

b: intelligent

c: lively

d: intellectual.


单选题) 4: a good teacher must know how to __his ideas.

a: convey

b: consult

c: display

d: confront


单选题) 5: there is little chance that mankind would __a nuclear war.

a: retain

b: edure

c: survive

d: maintain


单选题) 6: she __the child for being late to school.

a: scolded

b: blamed

c: accused

d: criticized


单选题) 7: bob tried in vain to trick his little brother __some money from their mother’s purse.

a: to steal

b: to stealing

c: into steal

d: into stealing


单选题) 8: my driving was suspended for __a red light.


单选题 1 vpn的加密手段为 a 具有加密功能的防火墙。b 具有加密功能的路由器。c vpn内的各台主机对各自的信息进行相应的加密。d 单独的加密设备。单选题 2 下面哪个不是系统还原的方法 a 安全模式。b 故障恢复控制台。c 自动系统恢复。d 普通模式。单选题 3 在设计网络安全方案中,系统是...


单选题 1 在法律对人的效力上,我国采用的是 a 属人主义。b 属地主义。c 保护主义。d 属地主义为主,与属人主义 保护主义相结合。单选题 2 下列说法中正确的是 a 刑事责任是一种惩罚性责任,民事责任是一种救济责任,不具有惩罚的功能。b 民事责任主要是一方当事人对另一方当事人的责任,在法律允许的...


单选题。1 4分 在18周岁的公民中,依法规定没有选举权和被选举权的是 a 文盲或半文盲。b 被判处徒刑的。c 被监视居住的。d 依法被剥夺政治权利的。2 4分 我国民族区域自治制度的核心是 a 民族自治。b 自治权。c 区域自治。d 自治机关。3 4分 关于地方各级人大常委会与 之间关系,说法错误...