高中三年级学习英语一轮复习强调句导学案 无答案

发布 2023-04-27 20:18:28 阅读 8035











1 用形容词 “very”, single”, such”表示强调。

that’s the thing i need.

the thought of snake made him feel sick.

we eat rice every day!

how dare you buy expensive jewelry?

2 用反身代词表示强调。

the doctor said so

did you see the headmaster

3 用助动词 “do”, does”, did”表示强调。

i’m a big big girl. in a big big world, but i feel that i will miss you so much.

be active. write to me when you get there.

4 用副词 “very”, only”, even”, too”等表示强调。

“very”强调形容词最高级或置于 “own”

be there by six at thelatest. 最晚六点到那。

at last he has his car.

you’re the person here who can speak english.

he neveropened the letter.

she g**e me the money. about time

5 用 “not… too much”, 否定加否定”等结构表示强调。

i thank you

i’m unfaithful to you.

i’m careless.

6 用短语 “in every way”, in no way”, by all means”, by no means”, only too”, all too”, but too”, in he**en”, in the world”, in hell”, on earth”, under the sun” “the ****”等表示强调。

his beh**ior wasperfect. 他的举止确实无可挑剔。

take your son with you. 你一定要把儿子带来。

the news wastrue. 这消息确实是事实。

it was oversoon! 此事的确了结得很快!

whatis wrong with me? 我到底有什么毛病?

whatdo you want to tell me? 你到底想告诉我什么?

wherewere you then? 你当时到底在哪?

nobodywould buy that car. 确实没人会买那车。

7 用倒装句表示强调。

完全倒装:① there, here, now, then, thus


the rain walked a man with a dog.

部分倒装:① 助动词,情态动词。


not until he had read the news did he know what had happened.

h**e i seen such a performance.

the child fell asleep did the mother le**e the room.

only +状语置于句首。

this way can we solve this problem.

in the way can you master english.

this afternoon did i finish the novel.


not only…but(also)…

hardly…when…/no sooner…than…/scarcely…when…置于句首。

she gone out when a student came to visit her.

8 用强调句型表示强调。

it is/was+被强调部分+that+句子的剩余部分。

million peoplewere moved from three-gorges project.


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