高中三年级学习英语一轮复习非谓语导学案 无答案

发布 2023-04-27 20:20:28 阅读 3843

非谓语班级: 小组: 学生姓名:

学习目标】1. 复习to do sth和-ing具有名词的性质。 2. 熟练运用动词不定式和动名词的各种形式。



to do sth; -ing 当名词用。

1. to see is to believe主语、表语)

he decided to study hard宾语)

it is important to respect people主语)

2. seeing is believing主语、表语)

we should practice reading english every day. (宾语)

it is no use crying over spilt milk主语)

1hear) how others react to the book you h**e just read creates an added pleasure.


his ambition is __go) to harvard university.


2. d**id refused __accept) my invitation.


bill suggestedhold) a meeting on what to do for the expo during the vacation.


i had great difficulty __find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.


i like __swim),but i don’t like___swim) this afternoon.


the window needs __clean). 窗户需要擦了。

3. he has nothing to do but___lie down) and sleep. 无事可做,他只能躺下睡觉。


** do sth的构成 (以make为例)

it’s important for the figuresupdate) regularly.

**2. –ing 的构成 (以make为例)

i don’t likedisturb) when i’m reading.


1. the prisoner escaped without __see).

2smoke)here annoyed them. (我抽烟惹恼了他们)



1. i hear they’ve promoted tom, but he didn’t mention __promote)when we talked on the phone.

2. the message is very important, so it is supposed __send)as soon as possible.

3. -they are quiet, aren’t they? -yes. they are accustomed __talk)at meals.习惯食不言。

4. he told us whether (h**e)a picnic was still under discussion.

5. -robert is indeed a wise man.

- oh, yes. how often i h**e regretted __take)his advice!

6. it’s necessary to be prepared for a job interviewh**e)the answers ready will be of great help.

7. he got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk __lose)the good opportunity.

8. if you think that treating a woman well means always __get)her permission for things, think again.

9. i really can’t understandtreat)her like that. 我很难理解你这样对她。

非谓语(2) 导学案

班级: 小组: 学生姓名:

学习目标】1. 复习to do sth;-ing;-ed具有形容词的性质。 2. 熟练运用非谓语动词的各种形式。



the news is exciting表语)

be quiet! don’t wake up the sleeping baby定语)

i heard him singing a beautiful song when i passed his room宾语补足语)

if a student is caught cheating in the examination, he will be dismissed. (主语补足语)

we felt shocked at the news表语)

retired workers in our country are taken good care of. (定语)

he often get his eyes examined宾补)

a card was found pinned(别到) to my door, reading “contact 139×××if you need gas.” 主补)

he lost the ability to communicate with people. (定语)

my teacher advised me to buy a better dictionary. (宾补)

1. the book is __move)

don’t read in a___move) bus

2. he tried his best to make himselfunderstand)

the man was foundedmurder)

the students wrote on the blackboard all the new words learned in the last period.

3. she is the first __come) and the lastle**e)

we must h**e someone __repair) the computer.


** do sth的构成 (以make为例)

**2. –ing 的构成 (以make为例)

★ to do sth; -ing的否定式只要把not放在前面。

the housebuild) now will be completed next week.

the boy was leftcare) for.那孩子无人照管。

the carbuy) is for his sister. 将要买的这俩车是给妹妹的。

he is said towrite)a book on war on iraq.听说他写了一本关于伊拉克的战争的书。


please give me a knife tocut).

she is looking for a room __live)



1. the treesblow down) in the storm h**e been moved off the road.

2. it is one of the funniest things __find)on the internet so far this year.

3. to learn english well, we should find opportunities to hear english __speak)as much as we can.

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