人教新目标七年级下册教案 练习

发布 2023-04-24 13:07:28 阅读 7142

unit 5 i’m watching tv

重要句型〗1. i am watching tv 我在看电视。

2.①what are you doing?你在做什么?

i am doing homework. 我在做家庭作业。

②what is he doing? 他在做什么?

he is reading. 他在读书。

③what are they talking about?他们在谈论什么?

they are talking about the football match.他们在谈论那场足球赛。

④who are they talking to?他们在跟谁谈话?

they are talking to mr. li.他们在跟***谈话。

⑤where are you going? 你要去哪儿?

i am going to the park. 我要去公园。知识要点〗

here is / are …这儿有…

eg.①here is a letter for you.这儿有一封给你的信。

②here are some books. 这儿有些书。


eg. he is talking to his teacher.

he talking to?

3. do homework = do one’s homework做家庭作业。


eg.①he is doing his homework.他在做家庭作业。

②i am doing my homework. 我在做家庭作业。



2)构成:be (am / is / are) +doing

eg.①i am watching tv. 我在看电视。

②you are writing.你在写字。

③she is listening to music.她在听**。

④the boys are playing football.这些男孩在踢足球。

⑤the girl is running. 那个女孩在跑步。


①are you watching tv? 你在看电视吗?

yes, i am是的。no, i’m not. 不,我没看。

②is he writing? 他在写字吗?

yes, he is.是的,他在写。no, he isn’t 不,他没有。


①what are you talking about?你在谈论什么?

i am talking about a movie.我在谈论一部电影。

②who is he talking to? 他在跟谁谈话?

he is talking to his teacher.他在跟他父亲谈话。


what am / is / are …doing?

eg. the boy is watching tv.

the boy __


①now(现在);these days(目前,现阶段)

②具体时刻: it’s 7:30 七点。

③单独的look , listen之后的句子。

eg.(1)he is reading now.他现在在读书。

(2) it’s 7:00. they are h**ing breakfast.现在是7:00. 他们在吃早餐。

(3) look! the boys are playing basketball. 瞧!那些男骇在打篮球。


1)去e加ing (e不发音)

2)双写加ing (“辅元辅”结尾且重读,y;w,x列外)

3)以“ie” 结尾,变ie为y加ing



die(死)—dying tie(捆,系)—tying lie(平躺,撒谎)—lying


eg. reading /ri:d/ playing /ple/ running /rn/


eg. wearing /wer/ hearing /hr/


短语〗1. watch tv看电视 2. wait for 等待;等候。

3. talk about讨论;谈论 4. tv show电视节目。

5. at school 在学校 6. at home 在家。

7. do homework = do one’s homework 做家庭作业。

8. be with和…一起。

eg. i am often with my friends.我经常和朋友一起。


) an english lesson now.

a. h**e b. are h**e c. are h**ing d. are h**eing

)2.—what’s sheshe is dancing.

a. dance b. dancing c. do d. doing

) who __behind the tree?

a. sings b. sing c. singing d. is singing

) are waiting __mr. jiang.

a. for b. at c. from d. to

) doing __homework.

a. is ; her b. is ; my c. isn’t ; his d. isn’t ; my

) with her friends __now.

a. play b. plays c. is playing d. are playing

) bill and you watching tv?—_

a. yes, they are b. yes, we are c. no, they aren’t d. no, we are

)8.—_are they talking about? —a movie.

a. what b. who c. where d. when

) some flowers(花) _you.

a. are ; of b. is ; for c. are ; for d. is ; of


1. look! heread) a book..

2. i alwaysgo) to bed at ten o’clock in the evening.

3theywait) for you?

—yes, they are.

4. my sister wantsbe) a doctor.

5. it’s 9:00. the studentsh**e) english.

6. let’stalk) about the movie.

often has funplay) computer games.

8. sheh**e) bread for breakfast.


man is playing the violin.(变一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

****** salad.(变否定句)

3. they are playing football (对划线部分提问)

4. there are some books on the desk.(对划线部分提问)

5. 听,谁在说英语?(翻译)

6. 我没在看电视。(翻译)

7. mike在游泳吗?(翻译)


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