七年级英语上2 6StarterUnit2单元测试

发布 2023-04-22 20:39:28 阅读 5442

七上starter unit 2综合测试题。


满分:100分时间: 35分钟】



) good day!(祝您愉快!)

b. a )2.下面单词中字母e不发音的选项是。

a. ruler b. orange c. pen d. key

)3.—what’s this in english?

a. hello b. spell it, please d. it’s a jacket

)4.停车位的英文缩写是 。

)5.—how do you spell “cup”?

a. yes, c-u-p c. yes, it’s m-a-p map

)6you dale? -yes, i

a.are; is b.are; am c.is; are d.is; am

)7.the word(单词) “cup” hasc” andp”.

a.a; anb.an; a c.a; ad./;a

)8.this is __case. that’ s___eraser.

a.a; an b.an; an c.a; ad.an; a


a.a/b/cb.s/m/l c.k/f/cd.n/b/a

)10is that ruler?

it's black.

a.what's colorb.what color c.how colord.what

)11. —is thiskey?

no, it's___orange.

a.a; ab.a; an c.an; and.an; a


a.what is this in english? b.how are you?

c.what's your name? d.good evening.

)13..li bai(李白) is___great poet(诗人).

a.to b.in c.ad. at



) 15. —bobis aliceis my good friend.

nice to meet you, alice!

a.he; this b.this; she c.it; shed.she; this


this in english?

is jacket.

is ruler.


is orange jacket.


1.—what’s this?

it’s .

2.—what’s that in english?

it’s .

3.— this?

it’s a jacket.

4.—what’s that in english?

it’s a .

5.—what’s this in english?

it’s a .


(说) it chinese.

2. spell it.

3.—how are ?

i’m you.

this in english?

is an book.


is a map.(对画线部分提问)


3.— 根据答句写出问句)

it’s a map.


this is book.

5.—spell map, please.(写出相应的答句)


)teacher: good morning!1.

student: my name is li lei. how are you, miss chen?

)teacher:2. and you?

student: i’m fine, too.


student: it’s a key.


student: yes, k-e-y, key.

)teacher:5. goodbye!

student: goodbye!


a.通读下面下列对话,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c 和 d)中选出一个最佳选项。

)a: good 1 ,frank!

b:good morning, alice!

) a: 2 are you?

) b:fine, 3 .

) a:look! 4 this in english?

) b:it’s a 5 .

a:please spell it.


afternoon c .morningd. night

howc. whod. when


whatc. what ared. whose’s

jacketc. keyd. pen

b.通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c 和 d)中选出一个最佳选项。(山东省齐河县第三中学)

this boy is peter smith. his __1_ name is peter. his _2__ name is smith.

this is _3__ school. his school’s _4__ number is teacher is miss white. miss white __5_ a good teacher.

li min is a chinese boy. he is peter’s good __6_ at a pencil box. is it _8__?

i _9__ know. let’s __10__ li min at 495-6548.

1.a. first b. familyc. last d. one

2.a. first b. good c. last d. this

3.a. you b. that c. hisd. it

4.a. computer b. name c. phone d. book

5.a. no b. not c. isd. am

6.a. father b. friend c. boyd. class

7.a. what’s b. this c. that’s d. the name’s

8.a. li min b. li min’s c. li min is d. the li min

9.a. don’t b. isn’t c. am not d. do

10.a. ask b. call c. write d. look



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