
发布 2023-04-22 18:01:28 阅读 3246


classchinese nametime: 40 minutes



i am so happy to study in no. 6 middle school of changde.

三、单词分类(将不同类型的单词的字母填入前面括号内) (10分)

)1. a. bus b. car c. cup

)2. a. ten b. there c. thirteen

)3. a. shoe b. bed c. shirt

)4. a. tomato b. dumplings c. chair

)5. a. brother b. sister c. family



)1. it’s hot __summer in changsha.

a. byb. on c. in

)2. i met kate on __way home yesterday.

me c. his

)3. _tom. it’s 7: 00 o’clock. in the morning.

a. go to bed b. get on c. get up

)4. –can you sing the song in english? no, i __

a. may not b. mustn’t c. can’t

)5. the doctor often tells him __more exercise.

a. to take b. taking c. taken

)6. –what did you do last night? –i did my homework and __tv.

a. watch b. watched c. will watch

)7. –what are the children doing? –they

a. sing b. will sing c. are singing

)8. i’m hungry. please bring me some

a. kites b. desks c. cakes

)9. most of the children enjoy __computer games.

a. play b. playing c. to play

) your new teacher.

a. are b. amc. is



a. where is the eraser? b. where is the pen? c. where is it from?

)2. 当你想知道对方有多大时,问:

a. how he**y are you ? b. how tall are you ? c. how old are you ?


a. how much is the car? b. how many cars can you see? c. how are you?.


a. can you make a bike? b. can you ride a bike? c. can you ride a horse?


a. where is the new tv ? b. where is the tv ? color is the new tv?

七、在ⅱ栏中选出与ⅰ栏中相应的答语,将字母写在扩号内。 (10分)

栏栏。 ) morninga. nice to meet you ,too!

)2. what’s she doingb. yes, i am.

)3 how are is watching tv.

)4 are you from

)5 nice to meet youe. good morning !

八、根据短文内容,判断句子正(t)误(f)。 10分)

i am a chinese boy. my name is li fei. i am a student.

my father is a teacher. my mother is a teacher, too. she is a teacher of english.

i don’t h**e a sister or a brother. but i h**e two little friends in my family. they’re xiaoxiao, a nice dog, and lele, a good bird.

i love my father and my mother, i love my xiaoxiao and lele, too.

) are three people in my family.

) mother is a teacher of chinese.

) h**e a brother.

) don’t h**e a sister or a brother.

) is an english family.


原班级姓名考场考号密封线内不答题。桃墟中学2012年七年级新生入学英语测试卷。时间 60分钟满分 100分 一 选出不同类的单词。共4分,每题1分 a bigb smallc taild fat a dogb bearc fatherd whale a pearsb grapesc computer...


人教版七年级第一学期数学。一 选择题 本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分 1 如果 20 表示增加20 那么 6 表示 a 增加14 b 增加6 c 减少6d 减少26 2 下面说法中错误的是 a 368万精确到万位b 2.58精确到百分位。c 0.0450有4个有效数字d 10000保留3个有效...


2018年七年级新生入学须知。尊敬的新生家长 武龙中学全校师生热烈地欢迎您的孩子到武龙中学读书!为了让新生尽快地适应新的学习和生活,现将新生入学事项告知如下,希望您仔细阅读,并做好相关准备。一 入学报到 1 报到时间 2018年7月12日13日上午7 30家长带录取通知书和此须知报到。2 办理住宿手...