
发布 2023-04-20 08:49:28 阅读 2427

一、单词。1. in the same class 在同一班。

2. study … with… 与…一起学习…

3. no problem 没问题。

4. by the way 顺便问一下。

5. speak chinese 讲汉语。

6. only a little 只有一点点。

7. of course =sure 当然。

8. help\study each other 互相帮助/学习。

9. live in … 居住在…

10. the same age as … 与…同岁。

11. want to do sth. 想要做某事。

12. come to china 来到中国。

13. in english 用英语。

14. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

15. the great wall 长城。

16. at the english corner 在英语角。

17. be helpful to… 对…有帮助。

like … very much \ a lot 非常喜欢……

like … a little 有点喜欢…

not like … at all 根本不喜欢……

not like … very much 不是很喜欢……


teach (教teacher (教师)

study (学习student (学生)

work (工作worker (工人)

drive (驾驶driver (驾驶员)

farm (农场farmer (农夫)

cook (烹调cook (厨师)


in a school 在学校。

in a hospital 在医院。

in an office 在办公室。

in a shop / store 在商店。

on a farm 在农场。

2. a student of grade seven 一名七年级的学生。

h**e a job 有一份工作。

look after… 照顾……;保管……

a photo of my family 一张我家的相片。

h**e a look 看一看。

the young woman in yellow 穿黄衣服的年轻女士。

on the sofa 在沙发上。

三、句型:1. i’m home. 我回来了。

2. come in and make yourselves at home. 请进, 请别客气。

3. what a nice place! 多漂亮的一个地方!

4. please h**e a seat= please sit down. 请坐!

5. my parents are both office workers. 我父母二个都是公务员。

we all love our work. 我们都喜爱我们的工作。注意:both指两者"都"; all指三者或三者以上"都"

四、语法。一) 提问职业:

do you do? i am a doctor. does he \she do? he \she is a doctor.

二) 提问工作场所:

1. where do you work? i work in a hospital\school does he \she work ?

he\she works in an office\on a farm.

三) 名词所有格: s’ 或’s, 表示"……的"

kangkang’s grandfather康康的祖父母 jane’s family tree 珍妮的家谱teachers’ book 教师用书(教师们的书)

topic3 would you like to eat?

something to drink 喝的东西 something to eat 吃的东西h**e dinner 吃饭;吃正餐 h**e breakfast 吃早饭。

h**e lunch 吃午饭 h**e supper 吃晚饭。

二、句型;1. help oneself (to sth) 请自便 (吃些某物)

2. would like = want 想要 would you like some eggs? =do you want some eggs?

what would you like to drink? =what do you like to drink?

3. give me some meat. =give some meat to me. 4. why not h**e some milk? 表示提建议。

5. let’s h**e some milk. 表示提建议 6. may i take your order? =may i help you?(限于用餐)

7. wait a moment, please.请稍等片刻。

8. what do you think of the coffee? =how do you like the coffee? 你觉得咖啡怎么样?

9. would you like to h**e dinner with me? (表邀请)ok. i’d love to

10. i’m very glad to be here.我非常乐意呆在这儿。

11. any more rice? 再来些米饭怎么样?

12. they are all friendly \kind to me.他们都对我很友好。

4. 词语与短语:

on the fourth floor 在第四层楼 try on 试穿 be on sale 减价(**) another pair of pants 另一条裤子。

two yuan a kilo 每公斤两元sell / buy… for… 以…价**/ 购买 h**e a look看一看a clothing shop 一家服装店。

run over to… 跑到…two bags of salt 两包盐two kilos of eggs 两公斤鸡蛋six bottles of milk 六瓶牛奶。

thanks anyway 仍然感谢。don’t worry. 别担心。here is your change. 找你零钱。

5. 购物用语:

服务员或营业员: what can i do for you? can / may / could i help you?

回答: yes, please. i’d like (to buy ) i want ( to buy ) i’m looking for… do you h**e…?

谈论事物: how do you like…? what do you think of…?

how do you look in this dress? not bad. how do the pants fit? they’re too long.

询问**:how much is +主语(单数或不可数)? how much are +主语(复数)?

how much do you want for something?

讨论**: how / what about thirty yuan?

that’s too expensive. it’s a good price. the price is good.

表示感谢: thanks a lot. thanks very much. thanks anyway.

回答: not at all. that’s all right. you’re welcome.

请求帮助:could you do me a f**or? =could you do a f**or for me? =could you help me?

决定与否: i’ll take / h**e / get / buy it.


be free 空闲;自由 visit a friend 拜访朋友on sunday 在星期日 go to west hill 去西山。

make a plan for… 为…制定计划 tomorrow afternoon 明天下午tell somebody about something 告诉某人有关事项。

right away 立刻;马上 discuss something 讨论某事go swimming 去游泳 go out for a picnic 出去野炊。

make a telephone call 打** h**e a discussion 讨论do shopping 购物 go home 回家。

make a picnic plan 订一份野炊计划 don’t forget 不要忘了。speak to somebody 跟某人说话。

take a message 捎口信ask somebody to do 叫/要求某人做某事 call somebody back 给某人回**。

give somebody a call 给某人打** give somebody a message 给某人口信/消息carry water 提水

collect firewood / garbage 捡柴火/垃圾prepare food 准备食物 wash the dishes 洗碗筷eat an apple 吃苹果。

sing a song / songs 唱歌h**e a picnic 野炊 look at a picture 看图read a book 看书

play the guitar 弹吉他fly a kite 放风筝 run after somebody / something 追逐某人/某物。

eat / h**e dinner 吃饭 listen to the radio 听收音机h**e a meeting 开会。

重点句型:1. what animal do you like best? =what’s your f**orite animal?

2. -how long do elephants live? -about sixty years.

3. how many hours do elephants sleep at night?

4. what time is it? =what’s the time? =could you tell me the time?

5. it’s time to do something.

6. i h**e no watch. =i don’t h**e a watch.

7. what’s wrong with you?8. don’t cry.

9. it’s very kind of you to help us.

10. he is acting like a m&onkey.

he is running like a horse.

11. would you please pass me a banana? 递给我香蕉好吗?

语法: 时间表达法: (两种)

1:00 one o’clock 1:05 one - o - five five past one

1:15 one fifteen a quarter past one 1:30 one thirty half past one

1:40 one forty twenty to two 1:45 one forty-five a quarter to two

recycle 2 review of units 3 – 4


help people to buy things 帮人家买东西 look after patients 照顾病人cook food 煮东西 ride a bike 骑自行车。

thanks anyhow. 无论如何,仍然谢谢 think about… 考虑 …h**e fun 玩得愉快

in the afternoon / morning 在下午/ 上午go to school 去上学 chat on the net 网上聊天。


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