
发布 2023-02-23 12:27:28 阅读 7403

unit 1 ****** new friends

语法整合:1. 26个英文字母。其中元音字母5个: a/e/i/o/u.

2. be动词:“是”am, is, are

i 一定跟am在一起;主语是单数时,用is;主语是复数时,用are;you一定和are一起。

3. 一般疑问句: 能用yes和no回答的句子。

are you mariais she janeare they from …?

yes, i am. /no, i’m not. –yes, she is.

/no, she isn’t. –yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.


what’s your namewhere are you from? -who are theyhow do you spell it?

my name is kangkang. -i am from china. –they are maria and jane. –p-e-n, pen.

4. 名词。




不可数n: hair, money, time, food, rice, bread 饮料类:water, drink, juice, milk 肉类:chicken, fish,

some orange juice/ milk 一些橙汁/牛奶 a glass of water two bottles of milk


可数名词单数:表示“一个”,a/an + 名词。

以辅音音素开头的词前,加a :a book, a pencil, a car…

以元音音素开头的词前,加an: an apple, an orange, an egg, an english book, an old woman…


1 一般情况下,加s:

cake---cakes, bag---bags, apple---apples

2 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,加es:

bus---buses, class---classes, glass---glasses, box---boxes, …

3 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,去y变i再加es:

baby---babies, family---families… (注:boy---boys)

4 部分以f(e)结尾的词,变f(e)为ves:

knife---knives, half---halves…

5. 人称代词。


第一人称 i me we us

第二人称 you you you you

第三人称 he him

she her they them

it it6. 指示代词。


单数复数。近指 this(这个) these (这些)

远指 that(那个) those (那些)

单词缩写:isn’t = is not aren’t = are not

i’m = i am he’s = he is she’s = she is they’re = they are you’re = you are

who’s = who is what’s = what is where’s = where is name’s = name is that’s = that is it’s = it is

字母缩写:prc中华人民共和国 iq智商 eq情商 un联合国 sos求救信号 ufo不明飞行物

wto世界**组织 diy自己动手(做) uk大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(英国)

bbc英国广播公司 nba(美国全国篮球职业联赛) cd光盘 id number身份证号码。

kg千克 km千米 ml毫升 cm厘米


报警**: 110 one one zero医疗急救**: 120 one two zero

交通事故申报**: 122 one two two**号码查号台: 114 one one four

火警报警台: 119 one one nine

词组:excuse me. 劳驾,请原谅(尤其是引起陌生人的注意) junior high school 初中。

in english 用英语(表达);in chinese用中文(表达)

日常用语:good morning/ afternoon/ evening! -welcome to china!

-hello!/ hi!/ how do you do!

good morning/ afternoon/ evening! -thank you!/ thanks!

-hello!/ hi!/ how do you do!

nice to meet/see youglad to meet youhow are you?

nice to meet/see you, too. –glad to meet you, too. –i’m fine, thank you./ fine, thanks.

goodbye. –see you later/ then/ tomorrow. –thank you (very much). thanks.

bye. –see youyou’re welcome. /that’s ok. /not at all.

介绍句型:-what’s your name? -what’s your telephone number? miss wang, this is michael.

i’m … my name is … my telephone number is…

-are you mariais she janeis he li ming?

yes, i am. /no, i’m not. –yes, she is. /no, she isn’tyes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

-are you from beijing? -is he/ she fromare they from …?

yes, i am. /no, i’m not. –yes, he/ she is.

/no, he/ she isn’t. –yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

-where are you from? -where is she/ he fromwhere are they from?

i am from canadashe/ he is fromthey are from…

-how old are you? -what class are you inwhat grade are you in?

-i’m twelve, too. –i am in class four, grade seven. –i’m in grade seven.

-how do you spell it? -can you spell it, please.

-e-r-a-s-e-r, eraser. –yes. m-a-p, map.

问物句型:1- what’s it/ this/ that in english? -what are they/ these/ those?

it’s an eraser/ a mapthey are books.

2- is it/ this/ that a/anare they/ these/ those oranges?

yes, it is. /no, it isn’tyes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

作文:1. 设计自己的名片,并介绍自己。包括叫什么名字,身体怎么样,来自**,**号码等。

hello! my name is ….my english name is …)i’m … years old).

i’m from ….my telephone number is … my qq number is… i’m in class 4, grade 7. i’m a student.

now i study in bowen junior high school. i’m fine. nice to see you!

goodbye! /what about you?


1.第一单元中殊疑问句的掌握 问,答,主语变化后的问答,语调。你叫什么名字。你是谁。你几岁了。你来自 你在哪个班。你的 号码是多少。这个用英语怎么说。那个用英语怎么说。你怎么拼写它。思考 问句的主语换成他 她后怎么问,怎么回答?2.一般疑问句 问,答,主语变化后的问答,语调。你是简吗?jane 你来...


exercises for unit 1 classnoname 一 短语。来自于几岁了。哪一个班非常。二 把下列句子翻译成英语。1.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。你呢?我也很好。2.妈妈,这是我的老师,mr brown.3.给你。谢谢。4.你是michael吗?不,我不是。我是tom.5.他叫什么名字?他...


unit 1 topic 1 26个英文字母。1.书写体。2.把26个字母按共同音素分类。1 带有 i 读音的字母有b,c,d,e,g,p,t,v,z 2 带有 e 读音的字母有f,l,m,n,s,x,z 3 带有 ei 读音的字母有a,h,j,k 4 带有 ai 读音的字母有i,y 5 带有 ju...