
发布 2022-07-22 17:49:28 阅读 5637

unit 1 topic 1

: 26个英文字母。

1. 书写体。

2. 把26个字母按共同音素分类。

1、带有/i:/读音的字母有b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z

2、带有/e/读音的字母有f, l, m, n, s, x, z

3、带有/ei/读音的字母有a, h, j, k

4、带有/ai/读音的字母有i, y

5、带有/ju:/读音的字母有q, u, w



3. 五个元音字母。

a a, e e , i i, o o, u u.

. 问与答句子。

1. good morning! —good morning!

2. good afternoon! —good afternoon!

3. good evening! —good evening!

4. how are you? —i am fine, thanks.

句子延伸:你母亲好吗your mum?


5. how do you do. —how do you do.

6. nice to meet/see you. —nice to meet/see you, too.

7. welcome to china! —thank you.

8. here you are. —thanks.

9. are you maria? —yes, i am. /no, i am not.

10. this is my mom. —this is my teacher.

[注意:i am = i’m 如:i am kangkang. =i’m kangkang.

但是回答时只能用全写,如:yes, i am.不能说成 yes, i’m.]

unit 1 topic 2


1.(单数)我 i 你 you 他 he 她she 它 it

(复数)我们 we 你们 you 他/她/它们 they

2. 主格在句中单独当主语。一般位于陈述句的句首。如:

i am michael. she is from the usa. they are lucy and lily.

: 缩写形式。

isn’ t = is not 不是 aren’t = are not 不是 am not = am not不是。


他不是李明。he __li ming.

he’s = he is she’s = she is they’re = they are



what’s = what is where’s = where is who’s = who is

: 问与答句子(可以把括号里的单词代进去去反复阅读几遍)

1. what’s your name? —my name is… (kangkang, jane)

2. where are you from? —i am from …(china, the usa, canada)

3. who is he/she? —he/she is …(michael, maria)

4. what’s your telephone number? —my telephone number is…/ it’s…



她的**号码是多少telephone number?

他来自**? wherefrom?

jim来自**? wherefrom?

5. are you…? maria, jane) —yes, i am. /no, i am not.

6. is he…? kangkang, michael) —yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

7. is she…? maria, sally) —yes, she is. /no, she isn’t.

8. are you from…? england, cuba) —yes, i am. /no, i am not.

9. is he from…? china, japan) —yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

10. is she from…? china, japan) —yes, she is. /no, she isn’t.





注意:其中1—4句是特殊疑问句,由特殊疑问词what, where, who…开头,回答时必须是陈述句;6—10句是一般疑问句,回答时要用到 yes或no开头。)

unit 1 topic 3

:数字。0—10 : zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

11—20: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen, twenty.

: be动词(am, is are)使用口诀。

我(i)用am, 你(you)用are; is 跟着他(he),她(she),它(it);单数is,复数are.

如:i am from china. are you in grade seven? he is thirteen years old.

what is this in english? where are they from?


how old __your sister? this___my friend.

tom and i __good friends. i __in grade seven.

mr gao___my english teacher. where __they from?

what __those in english? my phone number __24255728.

: 可数名词单复数。

1. 单数:a/an+名词单数 (a+发音以辅音开头;an+发音以元音开头)

a book, a desk, a pen. an apple, an egg, an orange.

2. 复数:①一般情况+s: cake—cakes bag—bags.

以s, x, sh, ch结尾的+es: bus—buses, class—classes, box—boxes.


this is___apple and that is___orange.

mr lin is___teacher and he is __english teacher.


tom and jim are good___friend).

we are in the same grade but in different___class).

this is a car and those are___bus).

: 单数变复数规律。

a/an+ 名词单数 → 复数(+s/es)

this → these that → those is → are it → they

知识应用:this is a book(改复数。

is that an apple? (改复数。

they are rulers(改单数。

: 问与答句子(可以把括号里的单词代进去去反复阅读几遍)

1. what class are you in? —i am in class×, grade×. three. seven)

2. what grade are you in? —i am in grade×. seven...

3. how old are you? —i’m × year(s) old. (twelve,thirteen...


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