五年级英语过程性检测 2

发布 2023-04-18 17:06:28 阅读 7234


一、 选出画线部分读音与其他两项不同的单词。

( )b. dear c. bear

( )b. bag c. back

( )b. box c. mother

( )b. cute c. hurry

( )b. warm c. postcard

二、 读一读,选出不同类的一项。

三、 英汉互译。


7.上周日8. first

9. make a list10.在超市。


(原形 (对应词。

3. kilo (复数 (过去式。

完整形式 (否定式。


many (同义词组。



)1. when did you come back?

a. i came back last sunday.

b. i’ll come back next sunday.

c. i went to the park.

( )2. how many apples do you want?

a. one bottle, please.

b. six, please.

c. yes, please.

( )3. do you like bananas?

a. yes, there is.

b. yes, there are.

c. yes, i do.

( )4. where did you go last sunday?

a. i went to the park.

b. i’ll go to the park next week.

c. i came back last sunday.

( )5. did you go home by bike?

a. yes, i did.

b. no, he didn’t.

c. i can dance well.


( )did you do __the weekend?

a. at b. in c. for

( )2. do you live___beijing?

a. at b. in c. on

)3. how many___do you want?

a. rice b. apples c. water

)4. how___milk do you want?

a. much

( )5did you go?

we went there by bus.

a. when b. how

( )going home now, john. come __us.

a. on b. atc. with

) back from beijing last week.

a. come b. comed c. came

) need food __our picnic.

a. for b. in c. at

) 9. we __some ice creams yesterday.

a. buy b. bought c .buying

)10. sam __bananas.


it’s a fine sunday morning. there are many people here. they are looking at big ben.

many of them are young and some are old. two boys are playing football . a girl is flying a kite.

there is a lake here. mary and i are drawing near the lake . i am drawing big ben.

i want to give the picture to my mother as a gift.

) 1. it is a fine saturday morning .

) 2. two boys are playing basketball.

) 3 .a girl is eating a banana.

) 4 .i am drawing a picture of big ben.

) 5. there isn’t a lake here.


提示went to the park,met ,bought ,ran,dropped

dear daming,love,lingling

评分标准:一、 每个1分,共5分。

二、 每个2分,共10分。

三、 每个2分,共20分。







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