
发布 2023-04-18 08:44:28 阅读 8355



现在分词) 序数词) 反义词)

复数) 反义词) 第三人称单数)

形容词) 比较级)

宾格) (所有格) 宾格) (所有格)

宾格) (所有格) 宾格) (所有格)

宾格) (所有格) 宾格) (所有格)

复数) 复数) 第三人称单数)

的三人称单数) 序数词)

序数词) 反义词) 反义词)

同音词) 同音字母) 完全形式)

4. we h**e chinese, maths and science every morning.(对线部分提问)

5. the, lesson, it, on, first, is, monday . 连词成句)

6. miss li and her students are h**ing a lesson.(改为一般疑问句,做肯定、否定回答)

7. do, and, like, my, not, i, pe, brother.(连词成句)

8. we, a, lessons, in, we, more, maths, hope, h**e, week.(连词成句)

9. 我不喜欢语文。我喜欢体育。他非常有趣。(翻译成英文)

10. he often reads english in the morning.(改为否定句)

选择填空 (每小题1分, 共7分)

) 1 she likesandflowers.

a. cook, grow b. cooking, grow c. cooking, growing

) 2 we are readybreakfast.

a. tob. forc. at

) 3 the waiter and waitresstable tennis every day.

a. are playing b. playc. plays

) 4 we h**e no lessonsthe weekends.

a . inb. onc. at

) 5 show your stamps, please.

a. meb. wec. his

) 6 the students arefollow mr ma’s orders.

a. trying to b. tryingc. try to

) 7 —do you h**ehobbies?

yes, i do.

a. someb. anyc. /

用所给词的适当形式填空,(一空一词) (每个空格0.5分, 共4分)

1. a: what are youdo), my friends?

b: we’recatch) insects, now. come andjoin) us!

a: great!

2. a: that boy istalk) with a visitor. can you see?

b: oh, the boy canspeak) english very well.

a: yes, let’s go and h**e a look.

3. a: how do you spend your weekends?

b: i oftenmake) model ships. it’s interesting!

a: how does your sister spend her weekends?

b: i’m not sure. i think she oftenfly) her kite in the park.

a: does she likefly) kites?

b: of course.


1. how___be) you? i___be) fine. thank you.

2be) you free now? sorry, ibe) very busy. today___be) a busy day.

3. look, the boysplay) football in the playgroud. and the girls___run).

4. listen, the childrensing) in the music room.

5. wang bing is___write) an e-mail to his english friend in the study.

6. iplay) the piano, my brotherwatch) tv in the bedroom now.

7. he canswim), but inot), i canski).

8. let’sgo) andplay) basketball .

9. shall weclean) the classroom now?

10. it’s time toh**e) lunch. let’sgo).

but my parentsnot),


12. miss green___likedance) very much.

13do) uncle wangrun) fast?

14. he and his father canjump) high.

15. yangling iswritecare) now.

16. look, mike issitquiet).

17do) wangbing usually___surf) the internet? yes, hedo).

18. benlikecatch) insects on sundays.

19. how manylesson) do you __h**e) in the morning?

20. my parentsget ) up at 6:30, my sisterget ) up at iget ) up at about 6:00 everyday.

21. is she___do) her homework at home? yes, shebe).

22. mike’s sistercook) nice food. ilike) eating it very much.

23. do youh**e)anyhobby)? yes, ido).


英语组赵欣。一 班级情况分析。步入高段的英语学习,两极分化现象逐步显现出来,五年级共54人,有70 的学生能够能够按照老师的要求保质保量完成学习任务,且课堂中能主动参与教学活动。但仍存在有30 的学生,由于学习习惯不好,加之学习内容越来越难,课堂上参与教学活动不充分,导致基础知识掌握较差,成绩不好,...


班级情况分析。本年级英语学习中两极分化特严重,因此根据这个情况,复习期间我们进行因材施教,特殊情况采取特殊复习的方法,主要抓后进生的单词 词组 句子的过关情况以与课文的认读,一些语法知识让他们记会做题的方法,出一些相对比较简单的题目。让他们体会成功的快乐,并对考试充满信心。对于成绩优异的学生,提出更...


文。period 1 一 教学内容。二 教学目标。1 能正确地听 说 读 写单词。三 教学过程。step1.free talk you?等日常交际用语进行问答,复习并导入新知。about you?等所学句型,渗透新知。方法 延续以上对话引出。通过实物直观呈现,在学生理解的基础上,进行单词教学 教师先...