
发布 2023-04-18 08:43:28 阅读 2330



一. 按要求写单词 (20分)

1.let’s (完全形式2. where (同音词)__

3. library (复数现在分词)——


7. put(现在分词8 .go(单数第三人称)——



)1.饲养员 a .place f zoo-keeper ( 6.危险的。

( )2.毛虫 ( 7.水族馆。

)3.昆虫 ( 8.橱柜。

)4.土豆 ( 9.高的。

)5.甜点 ( 10.地方。


1is your sister?--she’s fourteen.

2is it?--it’s 9 yuan.

3do you live?--i live in shenyang.

4.__do you go to school?--by bus.

5.__is it now?--it’s 6 o’clock.

6.__do you go to the shop

---because to buy some food.

7___is the dress?--it’s pink.

8do you do? -i’m a doctor.

9.__books are there on the desks?--seven.

10is your brother’s birthday?--it’s on the third of may.


1. what is mrs wang sorry.

2. what don’t you

3. howmany floors are there in the building? c. science

4. what can’t you do in the swimming pool?

5. don’t ride your bicycle heree. she’s cooking.

6. which subject do you like crocodiles.

7. what do you eat for breakfastg. there are five floors.


) the restaurant.

a. going b .go c is going

)2 .this is a map___china.

a .to b. for c. of

) boys are __the bus .

a. catching b. catch

) throw your rubbish___the pond.

a . on b. into c. at

) the black dress

a . don’t b .does’t c . not

) are___floors,my classroom is on the___floor.

a. second,two c. two,two

) you thirsty or___

---i’m hungry.

a .sad b .full c. hungry

)8. i like the yellow one __i don’t like the black one

a. and b. to c. but

( )9one do you like ,john?

a. which c. how

( )monkeys live___the jungle.

a . in c. off

)11. there __three books and a pen on the desk.

a. am b. is c. are

)12 a man is diving __the tower

a. to b. for


go to school by taxi

a b c d

is four fans in my classroom.

a b c d

many money h**e you got?

ab c d

one’s to big.

a b c d

play at that ball.

a b c d


1. they are singing . 改为一般疑问句)

can watch the divers. (改为否定句)

3. do , in ,how, you ,english,that,spell ( 连词成句)

4. there are two crocodiles in the river.(对画线部分提问)

jumps into the pool.(用now 改写)

六.阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符 ,相符用t,不符的用f。(10分)

hello! my name is a girl. i am twelve now.

i am tall and am an english get up at eight o’ h**e lunch at half past go home at half past four. i go to bed at nine o’ you like me ?

1. the girl is sarah .she is tall and thin

2. she has lunch at 12:30

3 .she gets up at 6:00

4. she goes home at 4:30

is eleven now


2018 2019学年第一学期。六年级英语教学工作计划。经过一个暑假,孩子们又欣喜地回到学习基地 西池学校。通过三年的英语学习,学生已积累了一定的英语知识。班级情况分析。但由于个性的差异,英语基础参差不齐。但他们满怀热情,带着新奇和向往,他们彬彬有礼,聪明懂事,和老师融洽相处 他们热爱集体,多才多艺...


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after在 后。沪教版。五年级上册词汇。unit 1future将来 未来。want想要。pilot飞行员。teach教 课 cook厨师 烹饪。taxi driver 出租车司机。job工作 职业。singer歌手。fall掉落 落下。lifeguard救生员。s e救 救助 节约。become...